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Detective Nom Noms

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Posts posted by Detective Nom Noms

  1. One. You were unbanned. I did not ban you. Jeff banned you. I didn't even know he was banning you. I talked to him and we agreed that it was unfair.

    Two. I made the call based on every single RDM complaint that happened was either about the Axe or the Barrels. I made the call and I explained why multiple times over mic.

    My position has nothing to do with my stance. I could be a premadmin, SO, or whatever and I would have done the same thing.

  2. Here is the thing....

    People will use whatever word they want to use. I can't stop it. You can not stop it. No one can. It is just the nature of the thing.

    It has lost a lot of its context throughout the years and has just become this thing that just happens now. Everyone says it. Just like everyone's example with words like faggot, bitch, cunt, dyke, chink, sand nigger, spic, and whatever else you can come up with....

    It will never go away. People will say them just like cruse words. To provide attention on whatever statement they are making or just shock value.

    My point of view. I don't like saying it. You will catch me saying it on EXTREMELY RARE occasions. I hate the word but we all say it.

    ALL YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW. The background of the word. The context in which you use the word. The people you use it around.

    I don't see how this is hard to understand. International or not...


  3. My biggest problem is that you blame where you live for your lack of education of this topic.

    That is what bothers me. Why can't you just say, "That guy is from Africa"? Why must you just say, "That guy is a nigger"?

    It just seems...... dumb.

  4. Here is the thing. NO ONE FUCKING KNOWS.

    For some reason in certain parts of black culture, the word "nigga" is a term for a friend. ex. "That's my nigga."  If you ask a person who just uses the word "nigga" freely like that they will always say it doesn't mean the same thing at all. "it's all in the context in which you use it."

    Which is what LOPEZ was getting at by telling you to read up on the word.... Context.

    "Nigger" is a derogatory term. Simple as that. I would also consider "Nigga" as a derogatory term. If the person is black or not calling me their "nigga". To me that is still a word giving the context of the whole Master/Slave mentality.

    Again this is my opinion on this word.

    Funny enough you can learn all of this online, but moving along.....

    As someone who has had many experience with both "non-racist" and racist ways of this word being used towards myself in situation I would rather not get into on this thread....

    Just be the higher person and not use. Fucking congrats. This is simple.

    This may be a tough read because I just amazed at this thread and the "seriousness" of it.

  5. Someone from a different country than you that is asking a honest question about racism is dumb? Okay.


    Is it so hard to pick up a fucking book? Really?

    So much information out in the world about this very topic and you come to a public sG forum to ask such an idiotic question?

    Please inform me how this is an honest question.

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