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Posts posted by Kwijibo

  1. oh, so gnat was removed due to some annoying crybabies. great. now all the time i invested lvl up my gnat burned up in thin air...


    if im loud like a justin bieber 14 years old fan, will the race(s) i hate be removed too?


    i was lvl 77, hope to see them in my lvlbank, if possible...

  2. i dont care about my skills at CS GO i have other priorities, it's just a game to me, one i dont take too seriously. where i have fun while you get butthurt over the smallest things.

    Give me a mixer, ill bake you a cake, as i am a certified patissier


    give me a syringe, ill take a blood sample out of your crazy cat's jugular, as i am a graduated veterinary technician.


    Give me a Jackleg, ill drill and blast the fuck out of a stone drift, as i also graduated in Ore extraction


    Give me a AK-47, ill get headshotted 3 times before i have the time to pull the trigger


    but hey, you're good at CS GO, so you got that going for you, wich is nice..

    Im an not going to be an ass towards you, altough you deserve it, thats what being an adult is about.


    peace, ill gnat the shit out of you later.

  3. removing ability to defuse? lolwut? Gnat is like any other race, its standing still and totally vulnerable during defuse like any other race, otherwise Infected should not be allowed to defuse either as it's tougher to kill than gnat and actually more Deadly. as for hostage rescue the running speed has been fixed as mentionned, now if only people would stop bitching....nah nevermind actually i love when people bitch about me using gnat, it's what make this race worthy to play with after all : annoying ppl!

  4. />

    Oh the controversy! Lets try to work together on this. I need your suggestions.

    This is how the race will be tonight(it is getting a slight nerf which I will put live when I get home in a couple hours)

    The Gnat


    Swiftness: 110/130/150/180/210% increase in speed--->Speed is fine, keep it as it is.

    Durability: 25/50/75/100 bonus HP-----> This is fine too

    Flight: 85/75/55/40% reduced gravity---`> this is fine too

    Annoy: 10/18/26/34/40% chance to disarm--->`40% chance to disarm main weapon, 15% chance to disarm pistol

    Evade: 10/20/30/40/50% chance to evade--->drop top evade to 40% if, it can kills, it must become more vulnerable

    Invisbility: 15/35/55/75% invisible--->whatever, invisibility doseant really means much under 80%

    Hyper: 120/140/160/180% attack speed--->lower top attack speed to 160%,


    Pester: Does a random annoyance every half second for up to 4 seconds. 4 levels

    The annoyances are a slap, a blink, and a shake.----> I'd keep slap only, would be the only possible way to stop a defuser if gnat is alone.

    Passive Skills:

    Does 1% normal damage. Does normal damage to other gnats---> Bash reduced to 3 seconds instead of 5, 5 is way overkill i was able to stack a few kills while this was active. gnat do 5 knife dmg during bash. gnat vs gnat would no longer be required.

    Expertise : i suggest +1 dmg every 5 levels starting at lvl 85 to a max of 5 base damage (lvl 100 required for full potential gnat)

  5. looks like a lot of ppl likes to shit on gnat, well you guys says that discussion here reveals that ppl hates gnat, yet all i see are the same 3-4 guys spamming the thread , the votes are roughly 50/50, so if youre saying that it means that quite a lot of people hates it, a lot of people likes it too (thats 50/50 for fuck's sake, learn2maths!)



    i love gnat, gnat is awesome, if buffing or nerfing it annoys people (annoying is the gnat, job after all, if it annoys you that much, it means that it filled it's role properly), we should fix the matter in an expertise. Gnat will be Meh untill someone actually invest enough time to make it good (expertise such as increased dmg expertise according on lvl (+1 dmg every 3 lvls until a cap of XX damage (to be debated because we dont want expertised gnat to be overkill either)

  6. well lowering bash to 3 seconds would be ok, and reducing the dmg during bash would be fine (like 3 dmg instead of 1)


    i played GNAT a lot and still with the bash it was kinda hard to kill somebody, if the team is tight knit you dotn stand a chance, your only way is to go after lone players to finish them as gnat when the Bash was in effect.

  7. Seems like you reverted Gnat to it's original form, 1 dmg and no bash

    i got completely addicted to play gnat, im lvl 51 already and i hope there is an expertise ahead :)

    i gotta admit that 5 seconds bash is too OP, maybe lowering it to 2-3 seconds would be acceptable

    also, what exactly pester is supposed to do?

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