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Posts posted by fps_trucka

  1. I think that's exactly what happened. You have that scene with Dragovitch, the one in "USDD" where you have that part where you point a gun at him, Mason mentions that Oswald (Lee Harvey Oswald) was compromised (meaning he was meant to take his place), there's the fact that everyone says that Steiner, Dragovitch, and that other guy were all "added" to Mason's list of targets.... I think it's pretty much there.

    Off topic: Who's found both the hidden games yet? From the computer?

    zork and doa?

  2. I Love the game, they fucking nerved noobtubes and quickscopes (FUCKING NICE)

    Hardcore mode is the way to go :)

    Shooting works perfect,

    Less bullshit kills then modernwarfare2,

    Few things need to be adapted by the way:

    The heli @ 11kills is to op.

    Spawnpoints are rather gay sometimes.

    ---------- Post added at 01:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 AM ----------

    Who the fuck plays campaign anyways :D?

    Agreed with everything stated. Also its nice not having a nuke go off randomly by some campers. Another nice thing is that the game seems to be alot more balanced than mw2

  3. One thing i didnt get is what the fuck were the numbers even for.

    Like i know the numbers helped him locate the ship in the end.

    But why the fuck were they planted in Masons' mind in the first place?

    so when he heard ^ the numbers^ the broadcast he would become like a trigger or something and find and activate the nova 6 also remember that he was unique and resisted the brain control shit so thats why he didnt kill jfk or activate

    edit: he was suppose to be one of those sleeper agents or w,e

  4. Dam thats awesome. If I get money for christmas, I'm for sure going to buy it. Wait and could ya tell me if anything has happened to? As in if anything has gone wrong with the mouse that wasnt suppose to happen. From what I've read, a lot of Razor mouses screw up after like 3 years or so.

    ive actually had this for 3 years and its fine, however my friend has the same one and says his gets a little wierd sometimes for example, say your move your mouse right it sometimes jitters? idk another word to explain it but it will sometimes glitch but for me its fine lol hes prob just using a bad mouse pad

  5. How is it really though. Smooth game play and all. I wanna know if its a great mouse to use.

    it has 3 main dps settings which are fun to use such as when u want to swirl really fast and shoot in the air, normal, or even one so sniping is easier. The mouse makes aiming easier and all but i bet some of it also has to do with the pc you have (less lag = easier aiming), but ye i love it.

  6. The XFX is made by Seasonic. And it's cheaper for more wattage. And it's a good brand. I don't need a 100% modular PSU, considering I'm going to need to plug in the cord that goes to the motherboard anyways.

    I assumed that quad channel would work with dual channel mobos, so I guess I'll go with it. I'd prefer to have 4 sticks anyways. Less repair cost if a stick goes bad.

    its not always wattage too make sure the voltage is good, for the video card because when i got one mine burnt out not enough volts.

  7. i have a good way to increase your speed d.l wise gimme a min ill post the pic it helps alot i peak at around 1.6mb/s

    edit: just go to preferences do the same settings as what i have done ONE MORE THING!!! go to bittorrent (or w.e u are using) and where it says protocol encryption make sure it is on FORCED and Check Allow incoming legacy connections That should help



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