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Posts posted by driz

  1. I kinda feel bad for him. He's a kid, used Mommy's credit card, and she got fucking pissed. I can relate because I was like that. I've had Steam since '06, I'm 20 now... I was 9 when I started. Every sale, every chance to grab something extra from the store, came from Mom's card. Hell, she didn't trust it at all, thinking she was gonna get robbed, so I never got what I wanted until I got my own debit card at 15. I digress; yeah it sucks that happened, but didn't Driz say earlier that the Paypal investigator kept it in your guys' favor, keeping the money here? I'm sure he's getting in enough trouble as it is with his mom, I sympathize.

    Pretty sure he used a phished PayPal, not his mom's. PayPal doesn't close an account for filing a dispute typically.

    Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

  2. The biggest issue I see with the CD posting is, is this... 

    Not to go on a rant about tyranny, but staff decides if something is "immediately relevant" even if the original intent was to help with the resolution (whether it be the punishment stays, gets harsher, or removed) of the complaint. I can think of the one time I really thought my input was valuable as an SO, and having had dealt with the person in the past but never having banned them/reported them (warning, kicking, etc.) for a similar issue, so most likely nobody knew about it but me. My post was removed (luckily I wasn't banned) and the complaint was resolved (I don't remember what the result was). 


    Now I know this isn't hard evidence. But my post was unbiased, not trolling, and not harassing anyone. But if as an SO that has had run-ins with the same person for the same issues on the server they're assigned to is not allowed/considered irrelevant to the situation (and really I feel any long time member should be included in this), I really don't understand why that is in there, and it just doesn't say something to the effect of: "If you're not the reporter, reported, or have hard evidence that is not yet posted, don't post."

    Here's the deal, you're asking staff to take your memory from possibly months ago as accurate. If you had reported the original issue, and then you link to that report in the current issue, it's relevant. SOs should be above lying and other things, but keep in mind, we had SOs in some hate organizing group less than 6 months ago. Staff make decisions only on relevant info with proof in the thread (although sometimes an SO THAT WAS PRESENT can contribute things without proof for consideration) If we just let members come in and say "oh yah he's done this 5 times before, perm him" huf wouldn't even be here anymore because you guys are biased. (that's not to say staff isn't biased either, which is why we adhere to the rules in the CD aswell)


    Bottom line, the rule isn't changing. If someone breaks a rule, report it. If you dont want it public, put it in pm to staff. If they later break another rule and you'd like to cite your previous encounter, link the old thread or tell us and we'll find it. no proof, no post, simple as that. 


    Rune, when you get to high school i think your life is going to be rough man. I feel for you and hope you realize you need to grow up and think a little more some day. I wish you the best of luck with your teenage and adult years.

  3. By those rules literally no one but staff would be able to respond to the threads. Not even the person being accused to explain themselves lol.

    Maybe, just maybe, you could... I don't know... post a sticky that people immediately see when making a post in the complaint department.

    In order to reduce escalation of topics, posts made in the complaint department (including any game specific complaint departments) will ONLY be made when staff make a decision on a topic, or there is something that is IMMEDIATELY relevant to the situation


    ....... the post will be by staff making a decision or something that is relevant to the situation.. how does this mean only staff can reply? relevant means you were involved or witnessed it, relevant does not mean that you saw someone do something 2 months ago and decide that its related (because if it's worth mentioning now, it should've been reported then)

  4. Maybe you guys should have a don't post here if you're not submitting evidence sticky so dummies don't post in there if you don't want them to.


    it's been in the global rules for years... everyone here should know the global rules. If you guys can't handle reading them, why would we expect you read a sticky? Most of the guys posting in the CD threads just click the unread shit and dont actually enter the forum anyway



  5. Dear staff,


    This a gaming community, not a place to try and flex your e-peen and tell everyone that the CD thread isn't a debate forum. I know you faggots will come in here and tell me, "IF WE DIDNT DO THIS THEN EVERYONE WOULD SPAM CD THREADS." I really don't understand how the fuck we got this way, but last time I checked everyone that was voted into this community is part of the community. I'm not sure why Sketch or Dastan, who are former staff no less, can't discuss with the person being accused in this thread on the matter. It's literally retarded. Does it really matter? Are you going to lose sleep over it? I feel like the "don't post in CD threads" rule is just something you faggots made up so you can feel better about your insecurities when you infract someone for legitimately contributing to a thread. Don't get me wrong, I understand infracting morons that just go in and shitpost, but I really, honestly do not see a problem with someone who has been in the community for numerous years contributing to said thread.





    PS: High school gaming community syndrome.


    Edit: Driz, if you come in here and start posting with some hyper sensitive bullshit about respecting you, I'm going to laugh in your face as best I can.

    maybe i'm late replying, but wtf are you talking about? morons giving me respect is meaningless.. if you are butthurt because you got infracted (presumably by me) for something, we can request the rules be translated into some language you can handle? I know a special ed teacher who can translate into retard if you need it as well. I should also be infracted for "not respecting all players" but.. god you're stupid :( (not as bad at scp-173 though!)


    PS. i dont dislike you, i just think you're an annoying kid (like huf, i know harsh, but i think of him when you post). I do still wish you the best though :)


    I feel like that was just driz's example right? Did this kid actually donate 250 dollars to us then file a claim?


    yes, 250 was an example. I was trying to put it in terms the kid would understand. he bought basic and premium and then tried to get it back. His paypal was subsequently shut down which is indicative of a phished paypal. My suspicion is that the paypal was stolen, all the transactions were reported and the account was shut down. Luckily, the "investigator" found in our favor and we kept the money.

  6. Man of all the tyrants here you always blame me :P

    It's not a viable TeamSpeak replacement. It's just like Slack with voice, like, literally it. It doesn't work like TeamSpeak

    it actually supports literally everything ts3 supports with extras.. the only missing feature that ts3 has is channel nesting which is purely cosmetic. It also happens to be on their feature list.


    among other things coming is built-in screensharing, which for the users won't matter, but when staff was on hangouts we used the hell out of it. It's also geared towards gamers which.. we.. happen to be.


    finally, and most importantly, it supports redundancy which ts3 does not, nor do mumble or ventrilo. if your server goes down, you manually bring it up in an alternate site. It's a pain in the ass and i am typically the one who has to deal with it. Discord automatically fails over to another server in the region of our choice seamlessly. It doesn't even interrupt an ongoing conversation when this occurs. This alone makes it worth it. It's also free which means more money we currently spend on servers (and redundancy) now go towards prizes or "event servers"


    moving to discord is actually win-win for everyone

  7. I can't believe Bulldog held out and tolerated his stupidity. Props to you Bulldog. I can't be bothered to be civil with people who completely disrespect someone when talking to them or about them. 

    complaint submitted to skinlottery.net.


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