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Posts posted by driz

  1. half way is a good time to decide to get in or out. For pay, i was a captain with over 10 yrs, dependents, and jump pay; the only reason i didnt get out at 10 exactly was being in afghanistan. My unit is already getting ready to go back for another year and with 3 kids and a wife i never got to see it was causing family issues. Getting out was the right thing for me.. we cant all hide out in army schools like chosen and never deploy ;0   or only do 9 months when we go over!!   anyway, i had some pretty great job offers with nice perks, for example, i work from home 3 days a week which is pretty nice, so im only in my work office 16 hours a week, the rest of the time im in my undies in my home office. Deployment in my field just sucks, you're responsible for an entire country's network to include phones, computers, and UAV feeds; when something breaks it ALWAYS an emergency.. i got tired of 18 hour days with no days off and didnt want to do it again.  I would say my new job is very nice the pay is good, the 401k matching is great and the IT sector is booming in healthcare, so there is a ton of money in it.


    As for certs, i did a college program my senior year of high school and started there. I did my CCNA in 98 along with MCSE+i. I let the mcse die when Ad came out but maintained the CCNA and needed the CCNP voice and R/S for work. I did the linux certs in 2007 when we began rolling out more systems on a linux platform. I did vmware when i got ready to migrate all of our call managers in southern afghan to VMs and moved out netmon tools to VMs. A+ i did when i was 15 to prove a point to some friends. network+ i did as part of a college course in 2000. the CCIE voice was a job requirement that has since fell off, but im continuing to study anyway. Security+ and CISSP are DoD requirements for administrators DoDi 8570.1 so i was required to get them, i think i did them in .. 2008 or 9. The EMC and RHCE are requirements for my current job.. as to time .. i winged a few of them where i had enough experience and surprisingly passed, for the RHCE i set up a lab in the house and prepped, for CCNP i set up labs, for CCIE i have a lab; for vmware, you are required to take a class to certify anyway, so i took the class and passed the test. My entire background is in IT so i've found the certs to be pretty easy.. I did my masters degree at night over the course of a couple years.   As to where, all over, some in TN, some in GA, some in Afghanistan, some in Kuwait, some in NC, just depended on where i was at the time.


    For you black woman, that looks like where i just spent a year, but my first time in afghanistan was in Kabul and theres a ton of trees/grass.  but yah.. sand  more sand, and some shit from when the russians invaded back in the day because afghans are lazy and wont clean shit up.

  2. hey all, just to respond to some things, thanks it's always an honor to serve even though the food sucks :( i think we have quite a few members in the service now, so thanks to them aswell. as to why i left, there were a multitude of reasons, the first app was back during the p2 drama and other issues, i came back after that was resolved and ended up with a new kid and just kinda dropped off during the app process. now, i have a little more time to dedicate and im seeing this through. Jayy, yup, i hadnt tried any zombie stuff since zm, so i thought i would give it a shot.. i dont like it :) zm was way better, i do like ttt quite a bit


    anyway, looking forward to playing with you all

  3. As someone who got a no vote from Sakaro, it didn't bother me at all. The guy doesn't know me, clearly didn't view my post history and had never played with me, but in the end if 1 vote is what keeps me out, I probably need to change some other things. Just because it is easy to catch him with the no votes doesn't mean others aren't giving yes votes for no reason, so consider that when you bash him.

    As to community based votes, I think voters just need to take personal responsibility. I don't want yes votes if you haven't read my posts or played with me, I want yes votes because either in game play or in the forums you found me to be a positive for the community as a whole. In the end it is up to the voter to hold themselves accountable not staff. It will become quickly apparent who the voters are that aren't doing the right thing.

    Perhaps a requirement for positive karma on the forums and the rest of the community can enforce standards via down and up votes.

    Just a thought.

    Sent from my HTC VLE_U

  4. most of you may not know me, so i thought i'd bump my original intro since i've just recently returned to the community after a vacation.


    to update things, like last time, i just got back from another long deployment to afghaniland and have recently transitioned from the military to the civilian world. I'm now an engineer for a healthcare company. When i got out, it was with 11 years in the army, as a Functional Area 24 officer. FA24 is a telecommunications engineer and is highly specialized. the failure rate in the course during the math and electrical engineering portions is a little over 50% when i went through. I left the military after 3 years with the 82D Airborne Division, where i was a highly motivated jumpmaster. 


    I moved with my wife and 2 daughters to Nashville, TN about 3 months ago, and we are currently building our new home. I live about an hour from chosen (we went to college together) 


    I used to race sport bikes pretty regularly, but my bike was stolen in dec 2012 and i havent purchased a new one yet.   You can click my name for more information about my background and hobbies. I look forward to playing with you all. 

  5. Has anyone made a usb with files over 4G boot on a UEFI system?  im thinking of a couple possibilities but i dont know how plausible they are



    fat32 boot partition on thumb drive

    exFAT/ext3/4 for the large files



    using dd to put the iso on the thumb drive maybe cause bios boot mode due to lack of efi boot instructions?



    boot from cd but point to usb for installer?? 



    put a pxe server on something with the files and install over network




    any thoughts on this or different ideas? 

  6. i only buy HTC phones (except when google releases phones, luckily of the 5 2 were HTC!, the lg one wasnt bad though)


    unlock the bootloaders, root the device, s-off and go!


    on a side note; if you want to use it in corporate environments, android device encryption is... interesting. i would say 75% of the android devices i set up at work lose all data and fail to encrypt. No issue on iShit devices in this regard though :(


    ive had the

    HTC: blueangel, dream, ville, Wizard, hermes, kaiser, diamond, raphael, rhodium, hd7, glacier

    LG: Mako

    Amazon Kindle



    i currently use the kindle, ville, mako, and glacier on a daily basis, all running android JB 4.2.2

  7. I have an account I'm willing to sell. Like 5 level 90s one was top 25 geared mages as of like 6 months ago when I quit 


    among the accounts is around 200k gold too

    Sent from my HTC VLE_U

  8. [3/10/2013 10:47:58 PM] c12k: dude

    [3/10/2013 10:48:09 PM] Mimic: what better to do than get drunk and look at ponies all night?

    [3/10/2013 10:48:18 PM] c12k: anime kids can rave

    [3/10/2013 10:48:25 PM] c12k: the rave started at 1130PM

    [3/10/2013 10:48:51 PM] c12k: it was 130 AM and I'm seeing 13 y/o boys trippin' in X

    [3/10/2013 10:48:57 PM] c12k: gg

    [3/10/2013 10:49:16 PM] c12k: glow sticks, bracelts, hoola hoops

    [3/10/2013 10:49:23 PM] c12k: shit was legit

    [3/10/2013 10:49:32 PM] Mimic: if only centran showed up

    [3/10/2013 10:49:45 PM] c12k: made me realize I was too old for this shit

    [3/10/2013 10:50:11 PM] c12k: ever seen a drunk 13 y/o boy on X do the harlem shake?

    [3/10/2013 10:50:13 PM] c12k: I have

    [3/10/2013 10:50:23 PM] c12k: t'was glorious

    ...some uninteresting junk...

    [3/10/2013 10:52:27 PM] Mimic: man i wish i could see autistic 13 y/os drunk on X in pony suits doing the harlem shake

    [3/10/2013 10:52:35 PM] drug: were there 13yo girls?

    [3/10/2013 10:52:41 PM] c12k: yup

    [3/10/2013 10:52:44 PM] drug: wtf

    [3/10/2013 10:52:45 PM] Mimic: oh god

    [3/10/2013 10:52:47 PM] c12k: 130AM

    [3/10/2013 10:52:48 PM] drug: im def going to the next con

    late reply, but I can verify the girls... Kind of I was pretty trashed... I'm really not sure how I drove back to the hotel!

    Sent from my HTC VLE_U

  9. Hero?

    Or maybe prophet.

    I like the idea of a select group of prophets.

    I kind of like prophet lol. What about Executive [EX] or [EXE]? Maybe sounds too much like a staff position though I suppose.

    everyone knows things ending in exe on the Internet are not to be trusted....

    Sent from my HTC VLE_U

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