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Posts posted by driz

  1. Good thing I didn't order my 2 780ti's yet OHHH BOY, lol jk 2 ti's beat 2 titans Koopa

    titan != titan z


    that thing wrecks 780ti.


    you have to look at how the dynamic power balancing and the ram are working. its also 2880x2 ... so technically 1 titan z > 2 780ti... 


    can 780ti do 5k? either way.. no.

  2. Advertise admin more Driz. Pls, I shelled out 20 dollars per month for like the past year and a half

    I don't understand the relevance of your post, are you in the European time zone?<br /><br />Sent from my HTC Ville<br /><br />

  3. i see no racism in anything that was said. i dont know ze rules so i cant speak to the nades but things seemed kosher to me and i saw no screens of any players complaining or anyone's "fun being ruined"


    i do believe posting non-relative threads in the complaint dept is an infractable offense though

  4. It's 15:00pm gmt, still no admins on. People breaking the rules and squeakers thinking they own the place 'cos no ones enforcing rules, pls 

    you can become a paidmin and enforce all those rules you see other's breaking. we can surely use some european timezone admins!

  5. to update everyone; i have all the servers set up now, and have just rsynced all the data. we are awaiting the configuration of our database server to copy our current db over, 1 service for authentication, and minecraft. once those are ready to go, we will be ready to conduct our new host testing. We will be trying out a new steam hook fontaine discovered that SHOULD allow you to connect to the new servers without changing your favorites. If that fails, we will heavily advertise the new IP and hopefully plenty of you will jump on the new servers to stress test them a bit. If our "test" goes well, we will have the harddrives moved to our new box (it's custom ordered because of the CPU and second gig link) which will incur a slight outage. Once that is finished, this new host should be our home for the foreseeable future. 


    To add a little note, the last couple DDoS attacks we were hit by, would have been completely mitigated by the new hosts' DDoS protection. I'm not saying this will catch every attack, but it will prevent most of them :)

  6. Last thing I want is a staff position, looking after you lot, pfft. 

    shit... guys disregard what i said about making rayne staff... he's not interested.

  7. Assuming your CPU is also water cooled, where do you expect heat to come from? Ssd don't put much heat out, your north bridge will put a little but typically your PSU will such air from its bottom and blow it out the back and if that PSU is at the top you are already assisting convection. You should probably leave as is first then check for negative air pressure then remediate

    Sent from my One S using Tapatalk

  8. Anybody know what would disqualify you to be in the Air Force? Like I dont have 20/20 vision and I have titanium rods inserted into my spine.

    you need 20/20 correctable which is usually easy. the rods though.. i dont know what pft standards are in the airforce, but in the army you would still need to be able to carry a 35lbs (its never that light) for 12miles, run 2 miles in under 15 something pushups situps, etc. I dont know that it would instantly dq you, but you have to get a physical to join anyway, so you would find out pretty quick.

  9. Is this Christmas come early? ( Or whatever other holiday you celebrate. )

    i only celebrate black christmas.. i forgot what its called.


    thanks everyone, i hope the server meets our requirements and we can get everything moved over. The goal is provide you guys the best possible experience while mitigating as many issues as we can.

  10. Few days ago, I just recieved the VG248QE. I have to say it is a amazing monitor.

    The 144hz makes a huge difference. I can clearly tell the difference between my 60hz monitor and 144hz asus.

    The colors were washed out when I recieved it. It was bothering me a ton, but after a few tweaks and downloaded a ICC profile, the monitor looks as good as my old one. If you find a place that has it in stock, defintely get it you won't regret it.

    amazing monitors. my only problem is I want a 144 with displayport in and out so I can daisy chain.
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