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Posts posted by Moose

  1. I'll just give out a little quote on the matter...

    "I would never have called Oscar faggy had I known he was gay. You don't call retarded people "retards". That would be in bad taste. You call your friends "retards" when they're acting retarded. And I consider Oscar to be my friend. "

    Sorry just popped into my head... I watch that show a lot...Same thing imo. I don't go around calling gay people fags.. I yell at someone for being a fag when they piss me off...

  2. Kelso, just saying.. your reason is one that they wouldn't add bank in.. I mean.. if you run around playing op maxed races, or knife races where you don't have to spend money, then stockpile enough money where your getting 10's of thousands of dollars in interest (I've gotten to the 100's of thousands in servers before) then you switch and max a race out you've never played before... hardly seems like they'd let us do that.

  3. I'm not looking for a loophole, I'm asking for clarification.

    So I will leave this up for consideration. I don't wanna get banned, however, I think the "30 Second" rules ishould not apply here for the following reasons:

    1. Cost, both in $$ and Life.

    I understand what you're sayin in this post and I wouldn't be the one to make the rule but this specific reason can't be applied. Maybe it can for the certain situation that you're talking about, but then people will say 'well i bought the nade' and begin nade spamming from spawn in maps like italy where the terrorists are in a buy zone the whole round... So.. basically the only reason it should be would be that:

    You are respawned and it wasn't in the same life that you threw the last one (that being said there is like a 5 second span between dieing and spawning then a few seconds between going to your last location.. and on top of that chances are you didn't throw your nade right at death.. so you do have a good amount of time before your next nade anyways).

  4. I'm just wondering what was it about the old zombie that crashed the server? I heard it was just the skins but it seems like this new one is way worse and nobody seems to like to play it... As for the rest of them, they seem good although I'd like to see blademasters ulti work.. People say it works just has a radius of such a tiny amount...

  5. I agree with Noire, the biggest problem in the rules is that people try to find loop holes or ways around the rules and they end up causing confusion. This is a big problem in the rules that are in place now, there's so many rules that aren't really posted but are expected for people to go by. I would just say follow the rules, try and use your respawn to kill the person with a gun instead (orc does have an 80% chance to keep your gun as well so you shouldn't always have to rebuy or use a pistol too)...

  6. Few problems with your set rules... The shopmenu has been taken care of. They already added restrictions. Idk why you'd go ahead and send rules without getting peoples input on them... I mean that's great you think those are good but I posted this and came up with the rules that I did with a few other people... Anyways they didn't come to me I went to them. Seeing so many people post about 'op races' and in server 'these rules aren't posted' things I figured it needed to be taken care of. Anyways I see you didn't address many of the race specific rules that many people would like addressed. How is it that the server engineers refer to Forbidden as a KNIFE race and people still think it's all about grenade spamming? It's supposed to be a knife race so if they follow the nade spam rule there you go... It's just small things like that that people argue and yell at admins over and some admins just don't know which rules to go by... As for your kd suggestion.. personally I don't see how that would help I could go through dunpeal, gman, bulba, undead etc. and keep a 4:1 with each race and get like 100:5 kdr... Anyways I guess I'll just send mine off to chaos as well seeing as I'm not really getting much input on new rules...

    And pan I wasn't exactly pointing that out for you... it was more espe's post, I just quoted you to address the other things you said about each race.

  7. Already have a Grayman thread started, if you want to know what the community thinks you minds as well wait for that to be done.

    Don't care for the Cowboy rule.

    The changling rule, albeit gay when it happens to you, it's one death, and you don't even necessarily die from it either.

    The others I thought were already rules so I don't exactly know what new rules you presented us with.

    Many of the rules posted were already 'rules' in some ways but some admins don't enforce things because they were never specifically posted on the website and they don't want to deal with people aruging back. For example, there's like 4 different opinions on the nade spamming rule and some think that forbidden is an exception and is to be followed as 'when the fire goes out you can throw another nade' when in fact the rule still lies at you must wait 30 seconds before throwing a new one. Another one would be the 4:1 ratio.. We've had a lot of dispute lately about switching to a 'non-max race' the original rule was PREFERABLY a non max race... You never really had to follow the rule that most admins enforce but you would get slayed/kicked/banned for not following it anyways... There's more such as the changeling rules and stuff that just aren't posted.

    As to the grayman post, that's many people repeating themselves, and offering ideas such as 'take it out it's to op'. The point in this post is for people to actually think of rules they may be not quite sure on that admins have told them different things, or completly new rules that they feel will make the server more balanced. Once this happens the higher up admins can decide which rules are fair and can then add them to the post of the original server rules.

    Also, I put the cowboy rule there seeing as it IS enforced by most admins. I just want all the rules to be written down so when people DO get in trouble for something like that, it is written down and the admins can say 'Hey, go check the forums'.

    So anyways, sorry for the long post but don't come on here and tell me 'these rules are stupid' or 'there's already a post started' I look through the posts, I know.. I just want this to be a more organized thread. Whether I get peoples input or not I'll send the list I have on Sunday. Hope you guys are happy once we get some updated rules. :)

  8. So I was talking to some higher up admins and basically they told me to put together some new rules that people think are fair and that would make it better and pass it on to them to discuss. So I was thinking I'd post what my thoughts were here and get input of all the other active players to try and get the best output from these rules... Here's what I got so far:

    General rules:

    Nade Spamming: All races are set to the same rules, no exceptions, 30 seconds before each nade. (We don't expect you to count exactly, but you know the difference between 10 and 30 seconds)

    Race whoring: Above 24 kills, 4:1 ratio switch to a non-max race (Or css pro if all maxed) Until 3:1 and then able to go back to a maxed race. (Also anyone that retries in console to reset their score will be punished, no avoiding this rule..)

    Warding races: No warding vents/shafts leading towards objectives.

    Objectives: When you are one of the last few people (1-3) on the team you must attempt the objective after the last minute. As well as it is not allowed to attempt in anyway to invisibly complete the objective. You may not grab the hostages, defuse etc. without some sign that you are there.

    Race specific rules:

    Grayman (I know you've all been waiting): Not quite sure, I say 100 (Seeing as two skills can be maxed) Have to abide by the 4:1 race whoring rules. (If anyone has more input towards grayman I'd like to hear it.. Please don't spam if your idea has been posted already and please no "Reduce the levels, take it out etc." Reducing the level WILL cause more people to whore a MAXED grayman.)

    Orc/Forbidden: Flaming gloves of warmth ARE allowed. But you still MUST keep the nade spamming rule in mind, it still goes even with 5 extra nades.

    Ghostly Changeling: No changing people in the following areas: Out of map/ stuck inside of walls, ceilings etc. No jumping off cliffs/buildings causing the person changed to suicide. (If stuck somewhere (zergling/to high/ in an item) after changing, notify an admin or type kill don't get them stuck to unstick yourself).

    Rapscallion/Forbidden/Zergling: No burrowing/hovering over the bomb when planted. Be aproximately 5 steps away from the bomb when burrowing/going invis.

    Cowboy: No spamming doors/walls to lasso through them.

  9. Huskar isn't really op.. I admit I have fun running in first with it spamming the ability with my mwheel. A lot of time while rushing you get spammed and can withstand a lot of bullets but any headshots/ranger scouts/awps will kill you. There's not much you can do about that. That being said, spamming with your mwheel throws off your ability to play and it's really just something to mess around with... If you're really playing the race you hurt yourself as you shoot to do more damage. Once you kill someone then you can heal up. It's not much different than a race with vamp imo.

  10. For forbidden, the nades do not do extra damage, but your knife does. The idea of the race is mainly to set them on fire with a nade and then knife them.

    I think everyone should just go with this - it's still the same posted rules for every race. They have the fire for the reason to slow them as well as make them unable to see so you have the chance to go knife them - although it would be nice to have a tiny bit run increase on forbidden so when you land your not as slow. :)

  11. Lowering levels in my opinion won't solve any of this, you guys are thinking that if the levels are lowered the 4:1 ratio will apply, but really then there's just more maxed graymen running around after one switches off... So it does no good ranting about ways to fix it and lower it so it applies. How about we simply ask, can we set a few more rules... Maybe a specific rule applies to grayman, but hey it solves problems. Maybe even if not maxed, if you get over a certain kdr they need to change, or like black says, over level 100 for grayman, the 4:1 applies. Things like that are more likely to fix problems than anything else. I mean really, who complains about a level 30 grayman? They can't do anything til they have boots maxed + health or parisitic... that's when they start becoming 'op' and people complain..So yeah maybe we can just ask the admins to rewrite a list of server rules, and apply a few specific ones for those op races everyone complains about.

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