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Posts posted by Moose

  1. I'm just wondering, cause they've taken races like wolverine and added them to wcs.. what about other super heroes?

    just for example.. superman... speed, health/armor, damage, ultimate is flight or a teleport type thing etc.. idk it'd be pretty easy to come up with specifics if we'd want these ideas but I don't wanna take the time if they're unwanted.

  2. Umm I'm Pretty sure Chaulklet is not Level 2 yet. But I know I am. As of January 16th. So give it.

    You have to apply for rank promotions and 4 staff have to say yes. Even if you meet the req. they can decide you're not ready for it yet.

  3. Looks like he recorded the same thing as me. I recorded a few rounds longer and also have a ss of console if you'd like it.

    Everyone on server can agree he was hacking. perma ban. I banned him for the maximum as of right now.

  4. Starting to play back on server two a bit more again.

    That whole lag for like 4 months killed the server and it's original population. I was happy however, to see some of the people I remembered playing with back in the summer, in there again.

    I've tried server one a few times, never really made it as high as I did with server two.. I almost maxed every race in two. I find it more fun to do that than to whore. Maybe that's the difference in the two servers ;) haha.

  5. I know. just saying it happens. I never really slay people unless it's obvious free killing. Mainly I leave it up to them to slay themselves if they freekill JUST me. If it's more than one person then I'll make my decision.

  6. I did enjoy that map very much.

    It had basically everything in it for a variety of things to order the T's to do, but it wasn't HUGE either like some maps you can't even find your way around. If only we could get some more maps similar to this where they are small, but they include death runs, obstacles, mini games, races etc.

  7. All about the vikings :)

    As for the whole colts thing. They've rested their starters the past two weeks. They're garunteed super bowl so why risk injury. Any teams who take that as a win don't deserve to get cocky.

  8. I quit because of the new patch content and cat coming out... After 7 level 80's and some of the top geared toons in Mal'Ganis I quit =/.

    Of course they aren't top geared now because I quit with the ice crown raid gear. But my most recent was a holy priest geared at 5k gearscore, and he wasn't even my best.

    Stupid wow.

  9. What level are you?

    For your knife class use a sniper as primary (just for the suit :) ), and then use some type of pistol and get the knife attachment. It makes you knife 2x faster so if you miss it's a better chance at getting them again.

    If your high level, I like using the Model 1887 or whatever shotguns. Getting Akimbo as the attachment. If you'd like, you can use a riot shield as your primary and you can't get shot in the back, as well as deflects a lot of helicopter/harrier bullets. Or you can just use a sniper to run fast.




    Basically whatever you want, I put Ninja, or you can do commando for the pro version of no fall damage.

    My sniper class goes like this if you're into camping ;) basically invisible to everything.

    Sniper - thermal/heartbeat

    any handgun/shotgun.


    Cold blooded


    As for a rifle, you have a few choices due to preferance.

    ACR (My favorite, acurate long range, good damage) / AK47 (Very acurate close range using hipfire)

    I usually put on the Stinger/Javelin to shoot things down.

    Perks: (Once again, preferance on what you'd like)

    Bling for ACR (Heartbeat/holographic scope). Marathon for AK47 (Need to get up close seeing as I hate the way the gun shoots long range)

    Hardline (Get those killstreaks sooner, can result in a huge benifit). Or Stopping power (Kills a lot faster, higher kdr, if you're good usually more kill streaks..)

    Commando pro (Mainly for the no fall damage is why I use it). You could change it to anything else though / For the AK47 I use steady aim to make it's hipfire even better accuracy.

    If you have any questions leme know :P I'm going through prestige again already and my scores on 360 usually consist of like 25-30 and 4-8 deaths so I tend to think my classes are pretty good :P

  10. screw admin skins.

    i like being a ninja.

    nobody sees the restrictions coming! mwuahaha.

    stupid idiotic ct's. i normally will sit there and add up all the people who need to be restricted and do it to like 3 or 4 of them at once so i can catch more of them :)

  11. But that doesnt make sense because the order given in simon says directly conflicts with the rules of the server. The server says knifing cannot be restricted. Thats the same thing as if simon says to crouch and stay crouched. People will all yell "you cant make them do that, it's in the rules". How is this any different?

    I've seen it done many times though. I say it's fine because the point in Simon Says is to do NOTHING aside from what Simon SAYS to do. Especially if Simon says that specifically.

  12. Yeah.. He really has been one of the worst admins I've seen. That's the problem with having admin available to all who pay. I mean yeah I know the money is needed to sustain the servers. But it'd be nice to at least have a screening on people. Like an application along with payments. Maybe this would be to much trouble idk. But admins that don't know what is going on like this really irritate me...

  13. One thing I've dealt with recently with the rule changes is the rule about no knifing.

    There are three types of free days...

    Zombie: T's CAN knife, must walk, CT's only may kill if wanted, doesn't drop gun, running, vents, armory, use key.

    Freeday: T's CAN run. But not knife, generally nothing is restricted. This is where the situation comes up though - the new rules say you CAN'T restrict knifing. In my opinion, this normal freeday still stands...

    Irrevocable: Same as freeday, can't be taken away.

    Also, along with games and the 'no more than 5 t's may die per game'. I always took this as games like Simon Says. Some people have complained about things like roulette where it involves the whole team and it's half and half or something. Do rules like this still apply to roulette or team games like soccer...? (I never punish warden for them and it'd be easier to explain to either the T's or the Warden what's up when I take action/Explain that it's fine).

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