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Posts posted by Moose

  1. As Karma stated, chat is the only means for a terrorist to communicate, and should be paid attention to by the CTs.

    ^This is why we have admin power. We have the ability to unmute ourselves and solve situations.

    First: That is why I didn't want to bring up who it was. I'm not extremely pissed about what happened in this exact situation, it was more about action being taken on other admins. As to not cause drama but rather come up with solutions. I am just tired of seeing it happen to mainly other people that are slayed and LATER having to ask what for. It's not that hard to unmute yourself as admin (I do it every round incase situations come up) and be like 'hey what's up..' I do it quite often and if they don't respond or just say 'oh woops sorry' and have no reason, that's when I slay. Not before figuring out what went on.. Sometimes peoples views are different and maybe not everything is black and white like we like to see it. So my actions that one time fell in the grey category because I never warned you. But if you would have explained, I slay myself every single time I freekill. Accident or not.

    Second: So I may have not noticed the chat this one time. But, are you saying that you look at a terrorist that is sitting there at the beginning of the round unmoving to see their name and politely ask them what they are doing. Sorry I hate rounds that go on for 10 minutes because people like warn every person that delays or whatever. If you specifically warn someone hiding in their cell to come out and they won't be punished, yeah they're going to come out and look for another time to rebel.

  2. Sure that seems more logical but he is still in the right IF he was typing and not delaying.

    If we went by that though, ANYONE could use that as an excuse to make ct's get slayed. There is NO way for you to know if they are typing or delaying...

  3. The thing is it doesn't just happen to me. But in the instance it happened to me it was at the BEGINNING of the round. Like I just assumed he went afk cause he was unmoving. If you REALLY need to type, take a step out of your cell, face your cell and freeze, and for a majority of wardens, you have like a minute+ after that point that you stand there and wait for them to decide what they're doing. Type then.

  4. So I am bringing up this topic not to accuse anyone but it does happen, and I'd like to know what everyone thinks we should do about it. Recently there have been more and more admins playing on the server (I know, mainly because of break and it will probably calm down soon). But there really is quite a bit of admin abuse. There's more of the attitude 'take action now, ask questions later'. I know there's been many people complaining of this, especially those that don't have admin seeing as it happens to them more often.

    I bring this up because today, I ran into a problem. A not-so-regular admin/sG member came in to the server, joined T, and I was CT. Now the original orders are of course generally the same, one step out blah blah, freeze. So apparently he was 'typing' and felt that he wasn't delaying. Somehow I guess I was supposed to know he was typing and wait for him? Well he slayed me... I just dropped it at that point because he was another admin, and sG member, I didn't want to cause drama, or a slay fight or anything like that.. although another admin agreed with my side. I'm not upset because it doesn't happen much to me but it does happen to others quite often.

    Is what I would like to know, is how should we as admins take care of other admins doing things wrong? I'd like to see a stop come to 'this is why I don't play here, to much admin abuse' and the constant spamming of 'he freekilled me slay him' type of stuff. If we stop the free slaying, people will understand if we SEE it, we WILL take care of it.

  5. one huge problem is...

    Say you have a player named Apple924 on the game freekilling.

    If you voterestrict him this way, "voterestrict" find his name, and click it. That adds a totally different vote compared to if you restricted him like:

    voterestrict apple924

    voterestrict apple

    voterestrict 924

    Every method of voterestricting adds it to it's own individual count, whether this is a glitch or not, IDK.

    That's what I was saying. Nobody ever does it the same way so it never reaches the req. amount.

  6. I actually kind of enjoy people not reading the new rules :) haha. Like the implied 'no cheating' rule. I personally think it's stupid on the Wardens end because you have to say they can cheat which means they will be smart enough to. But if you just don't say anything before one was almost always garunteed to go cheat. But anyways, for now it's easy to shoot t's for fun because it's implied no cheating and they don't read the rules so they go do it anyways :). haha.

    I think a big part is the rules are getting so in depth it's SO long. It was hard for me to read them all and I made sure I did due to admin and being able to enforce things. But I know 99% of people won't read that whole list of stuff. =/

  7. I sense that people will abuse this and restrict kids on CT regardless of maturity. Well it has been nice knowing you people on JB.

    90% of the time votes req. to high numbers to actually go through. Only rtv really ever gets used. I used to see people go and find an admin online steam or xfire or forums and the admin gets in there and bans the free killer before the time the req. amount votes the person out. (A big part of this being the actual 'voteslay' and 'voteslay name' are two different numbers so with people doing a mix of both the limit is never reached)

  8. yeah...i remember when i used to be able to knife chairs into other Ts and kill them for fun....bring this back please..

    Probably some of the reasons it got taken out was things like this ^

    It just needs to be back for minigames :)

  9. Once again, how does a script determine who is a free killer and when t's mass disobey? I was playing earlier and probably 95% of t's didn't listen to a simple order. Whether that's the wardens fault or not, it still wasn't free killing...

  10. come on klark...this would really help so i don't shoot any admin who gets pissed at me then slays me.

    Is what you have to realize is that you're probably free killing when they slay you. The only thing is, if you free kill someone who's not an admin, there's nothing they can do about it. Watch what you kill them for = no slay.

  11. JB runs fine changing the rules just confuses and annoys people, we just need to keep a lookout for when freekills do happen, also id like people to clearly say orders we had someone yesterday who played some stupid reverse of reverse game, and ofcourse people didnt hear correctly or misunderstood the game and the entire team was killed, thats a stupid trick and just encourages freekilling, instead of stupid tricks like that i wish people would give real orders and be more creative

    This is just a trick. I've seen people liek I'cop do it and it's just a matter of listening. They say reverse is not starting (meaning it is) and then they say you are going to do the reverse of everything I say. Therefore you're doing everything he says the right way. Great game imo, nothing wrong with it at all. It's like saying don't face your cells or face your cells and do a 180. Many times they listen to the parts of the orders and that's how you kill the t's, by tricking them.

    Server is good. I would like it if the map voting was a bit more.. random. Everyone spams 1, somehow the same maps always come up as choice 1. We always play the same maps. Get's old and then when you have 40 people on a map like alcatraz there's nothing to do to really kill off people -.-.

    Maybe when to many people are on to small of a map admins can have the right to change without a vote? :/ idk

  12. I do think it'd be a bit more fun to give the admins a few more commands for games/LR's. Maybe only the higher paying admins or something to reduce abuse but it would be kind of cool, I know I'd pick a low gravity knife fight for an LR somtimes :P it'd just be different and fun...

  13. Just something to add along with soccer and everything, yes CT's can kill them with the ball, but there are also other downfalls of taking this out. There are maps with things that it completly takes out the purpose of some of the 'activities' you could have the t's do. I don't remember the map name, but the one with the mini-game area (jump rope and dodgeball) this completly takes away the effect of dodgeball. They do no more damage anymore and it's a fun way for t's to die rather than putting it to chance at something like numbered couches. :(

  14. I agree with Howard in many ways... I mean sure, I hate the voice as much as the next person, but many times they aren't THAT bad. I have seen many times in the case where people get restricted for such reasons. When doing a mic-check on someone, if they have a high-pitched voice, many times certain admins will joke around saying things like 'oh nope, didn't hear anything.. anyone else? nope.. alright' and restrict the kid. Sure it doesn't bother me that he's restricted because I don't like to hear it, but it really isn't fair if we're trying to improve the server.

  15. Yeah there's really no telling a script how to judge what's free killing or not. it'd probably just be like 'if x % of t's die from one person in x seconds then auto ban'. I'd say just give admins ability to ban steam id's to catch the pesky ones that kill and quit.

  16. Weren't we suppose to get an Lr plug-in for jailbreak that Mario was creating?

    I bet someone in the clan can make a plug-in where the last terrorist can talk during LR, ONLY the last T, no other t.

    I don't think you realize how much mario is taking on. Not only is he trying to fix all servers, and forums, that plug-in your talking about he was making from scratch. Not just using some other persons and changing it up a bit.

    Also for spray contests - anytime I've been warden, or any time a warden has said it (when I used to be really active in there) it was the highest of the bottom of the sprays. That way it doesn't matter if you have a default spray or a custom - every bottom of spray is where you spray it. Then it's just extended upwards if it's a tall spray.

    It would be kind of cool (although I'm pretty sure you can't do it) to have the t's be able to use mics with each other. Of course this would be hard to manage as people spamming would interfere with orders, but the principle of being able to organize a massive jailbreak would, I think, be a lot more fun. Rather than "at this time run" and chance being surrounded at that time, you could say "ok we're all going to make a break for it on my go" then as soon as you see an open opportunity you say it, rather than taking all the time to type and some people don't watch chat anyways.

  17. It was for prices - especially the stuff that went on during the change of ownership... We know what I'm talking about. But still.. it would have been been nice to maybe downgrade the server a bit and keep it in texas/chicago, both a LOT less latency for west coast than where it's currently at.

  18. Honestly, I agree with most races being based on how you use them/items you buy.

    One thing I would like to see is Shadow Priest's ultimate more like crypt lord ( I can never make it work since you have to aim or w/e) I'd like to see it just randomly pick a target do damage over time, and apply the other skills if you have it (stun, gain life per damage).

  19. honestly mario and polis seem to be dedicating weeks worth of their life to this. It's pretty amazing they're able to do so much while still balancing their lives too. haha but I can't wait to see the servers all up and running smoother than ever once mario is done.

  20. Easy way to farm money, at least on andorhal is by farming the mats for the Darkmoon Cards and selling the cards or waiting till you get a full deck

    Honestly, since the brewfest started I've made well over 10k gold.

    I run the brewfest boss daily with a few of my toons and anytime I win the mount drop/remote/boe epic I sell them for 2k+. When I won the first mount at midnight of the opening day I sold it for over 3k. haha. And I still have a week to go.

  21. Not exactly a repost.

    You were just saying goku had a health glitch. They actually found the problem (where it's not just goku you could really do this with any evasion race). It makes it a lot easier on the engineers to fix when you come in and say 'ok, here's what's going on, it's causing a huge problem, can you fix it"' instead of 'somethings wrong, you figure it out'.

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