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Posts posted by Moose

  1. dude i'm down. as long as i can make a spam thread and not get banned. i'll find something that just sits there and auto posts.. i wonder how long it'd take it to reach 10000....

  2. ba_jail_Nightfall_beta_v4 - should be fixing tonight (lets you keep your guns like in a normal server so if t's rebel it's a slay day)

    Whichever alcatraz is the older version.

    ba_jail_soccer_v3 - it's basically only has a huge soccer field (it's pretty intense soccer field, but always gets rtvd)

    um idk about others, i don't pay attention to a lot of the names :P

  3. "Disrespect" is slowly being skewed into something that should be mute worthy only, not ban.

    This... I don't ever think I've banned for people dissrespecting. I usually mute/silence. Kick if they avoid it. I may have done it once when they came back after the kick just to do it some more.

    Oh, and the lurker ban was in June of 09. They didn't have those restrictions then, it was just posted in the rules.

  4. i have often thought that 7 bans (regardless of reason) should equal a permaban, what i like to think of as the "skunk rule." just like in volleyball.

    if you can't figure out what you're doing is wrong within 6 or 7 bans, then i'm going to say you probably deserve every single one of them.

    I have to agree with this, if they are getting banned for the SAME thing, every time. They obviously aren't learning. But, if it's different reasons, and even if it is the same, before the perm ban is issued, I'd say talk to the admins that handed out the ban.. A lot of times(in jailbreak, and others), I see admins just use 1 (whatever option that is) to give the ban, to do it quick before the people leave.

  5. Thats like going up to a bank with a ski mask on saying you're going to rob the place

    Even though you weren't actually going to do it, the intent is still there and its greifing for your own pleasure. and you would be banned in real life.


    i'm gonna go try it.

    and maybe when i get shot, i'll sue for money, cause i just like to wear ski masks. oh and i thought it'd be funny.

  6. That is a join exploit I made, it changes my name almost instantly and rejoins

    He then admits to it changing names to things such as haxor, steam admin, server down in (#), etc. Pretty sure that's giving the impression that he's trying to spam the server and crash it.

  7. also, how is this a "severe" case?

    if he was crashing the servers, or even giving the impression of crashing the servers with his 'name exploit' then it's a pretty severe case. We've had a lot of problems with people hacking/crashing the servers lately. and by all means, if someone wants to 'joke' around about crashing it, i'd say ban them too. it's not really something to dick around with, how is it funny. at all?

  8. i don't understand how you 'thought we were dead'.. i still type joinuv.com every single time i come to the website, and it still takes you here. the whole syndicate-gamers.net is just to long ;) haha. anyways, welcome back.

  9. Moose i was telling someone that that's what happens when you're appealing a ban. And you said yourself they probably have proof so I don't know why you're trying to argue against what i said...

    I was saying as it being a staff, most likely there is proof, but there really doesn't need to be. I've seen staff perm ban someone on the spot because it was so obvious as to what they were doing. Like say someone was speed hacking/aim botting/wall hacking. Why make 30 people go through more rounds of dealing with him.. I've also banned people for 6 hours without proof in jb and stuff. When people freekill you don't sit there and wait for them to do it again so you can get your evidence...

  10. That's not the way things work here... if you appeal a ban then you are unbanned if there is no evidence against you

    ...If you were smart enough to read what BC. said, klark was the one who banned him. If a staff bans someone, 99% of the time they are going to remain banned. They either have logs, or other sufficient proof, that they aren't going to get unbanned. Staff usually do a pretty good job at deciding bans.

    That is a join exploit I made, it changes my name almost instantly and rejoins.

    As to arguing he did nothing, you have to be fucking stupid if you didn't see his post with him admitting of spamming the server changing his name like that.

  11. FinishHim, Respawn your Victim to kill him Again

    "skill1_setting" "es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 1|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 2|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 3|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 4|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 5|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 6|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 7|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 8|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 9|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 10"

    "skill1_cmd" "es est_gethealth wcs_tmp event_var(userid);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif(event_var(health) = 0) then racealias_hellfir1"

    "racealias_hellfir1""es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es est_spawn event_var(userid) 1;es_xmath wcs_z1 + 20;es es_delayed 0.2 est_teleport event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1);es es_delayed 0.5 est_freeze event_var(userid) 1;;es es_delayed 0.6 est_stripplayer event_var(userid) 1;es es_delayed 0.6 est_sethealth event_var(userid) 20;es est_playplayer event_var(attacker) finish/finishhim.wav;es est_csay event_var(attacker) F__I__N__I__S__H_____H__I__M__!;es_toptext event_var(attacker) 1 #pink Effects by Moose"

    "skill1_sfx" "es est_gethealth wcs_tmp event_var(userid);es es_xif(event_var(health) = 0) then es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es es_xif(event_var(health) = 0) then es est_effect 10 #a 0 sprites/lgtning.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 20 500 3 100 100 0 255 0 0 255 10"

    That's what I have so far for the FinishHim skill. I need to add in what I was asking, looks like maybe kai's will work. I was also looking to make a lasso skill that works as an ultimate (closest enemy in x range is pulled in front of you) as the skill "Get Over Here!" I haven't really worked on it so if anyone already has something like that written... ;) save me some time? haha.

  12. There's a problem with having a complete staff revote each year based on community. Even though someone might be 'mature' and everything, they don't know how to run servers, the forums etc. This would really only work for affair type staff, which would be alright. My proposal as to voting in staff, the staff gives some options, community votes on them. something like that. Anyways. Stuff does need to be written, and ALL who go against it, are punished in the same manner, maybe even worse if you're staff, seeing as you're supposed to be the leaders of the community.

  13. Well back on topoic of trolling, I was thinking about what some people have asked, for specific clarifications on what trolling is, what needs to be done etc. I think it's not necissarily "This is trolling don't do it", but it needs to be looked at in individual cases. For instance, if I'm not thinking about what I type, and it's stupid, if someone calls me out on it and makes fun of me. I'll laugh at it too. But then on the other side, if someone comes into a thread, just completly raging on me for absolutely no reason, I'm going to get mad back. So here's what I'd say, if someone throws in the occasional comment that people laugh at, that's fine. But if it's something that causes problems, or derails a thread, then those are the times, things need to be punished for.

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