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Posts posted by .Veritas

  1. Again, what are you talking about. I just said something and you think I was being aggressive or some shit like that.

    I think there is a misunderstanding. You thought I was trying to say we should make a ZE event out of humans winning. I was not saying that, but only making a light-hearted comment in response to kareem. My response was trying to clear up any confusion, but I guess it only caused more of it to appear.

    This is probably one of those internet moments where not being able to hear the tone of voice of the person causes the message to be misconstrued.

  2. Well it depends on the map, if its like icecap where humans win more often than zombies then no but it if its a map like mako where humans rarely win then yeah it would be a good idea. Its also up to Trucka if he wants to make an event out of this but since this started out of nowhere, I doubt there will be enough time to plan an event or whatever.

    Er...I was jokingly equating the humans winning to being so rare that it is a special event in itself. I wasn't suggesting making an actual event out of it.

    And yes, human win ratio is dependent on map, but I did not feel it was necessary to nitpick kareem's comment in that manner.

  3. But I only play comp

    I was only making a comment about how every game mode has positives and negatives according to each individual player. But okay, I'll give comp it's due.

    Yeah, having a bunch of super serious players get angry and yell at you if you are not good at covering a spot or can't aim as good as them sure is fun.

    Zombie escape 1% Humans win, 99% Zombies win! It's awesome.

    Makes humans winning a special event. :)

  4. Yeah man. Shooting infinite bullets at zombies and running away is a lot of fun. ;P

    Two can play that game bro. :P

    Having to listen to some power hungry dudes sputter into the mic on fast forward and shoot you in the face before you can comprehend what they just said is super fun.

    Playing a game where you die five seconds after spawning in a variety of methods you don't understand against superpowered enemies is mega fun.


    its skyrim on steroids, bro.

    That's interesting. The graphics at their alpha level do look pretty slick. I'm on a mac though, so it appears like I probably won't be able to get it.

  5. I always use the numpad to buy weapons. It's way faster than clicking through menus.

    As for the issue where the cursor disappears, I have that problem as well. I found a way to circumvent that on a Mac. While in CS, I use my hotcorner that throws all my open programs off my desktop, then use it again to bring them back. This gives me a regular desktop cursor on my CS (instead of the CS cursor). That cursor then works on my CS. I don't know if PCs have hotcorners, but if they do, you should give that a try.

  6. Well you could decompile the game code and switch the unsilenced sound with the silenced sound.


    EDIT: I wish I was at home right now so I could look at the CS:GO resources folder. I think you might be able to switch the two sounds without doing any difficult work, I have no idea.

    If you did that, would other players' guns switch sounds for you as well? It would be an unfair advantage if you could hear the other team's silenced weps in comp.

  7. Alright, I've started up a Wiki. It's not the most efficient way to do things but should be a great timesink for me in the near future.


    Thanks a bunch man. I truely appreciate the quick responses and help you guys dish out.

  8. Hi, I've started playing on this server recently, and would like to learn more about it. Is there a place where I can read about each race without having to be in-game? Also, I don't really know what many of the Shopmenu items do. Is there somewhere that explanations are listed? This would be extremely helpful.

  9. fire animation takes coding to make, and it usually has a lot of problems together with it, for example you might blind the character, or you might cause massive lag on the server.

    Ok. So taking the current "on fire" coding and tweaking it to stay on a model without damage would be really difficult then?

  10. I am not stating that skins are easy to make in general. I was just saying a red character with a logo in its chest would be a lot simpler compared some of the many other detailed skins, such as the Batman one. But what I was most curious about was my fire animation question.

  11. So I got this idea while watching zombies burn on the ZE server. Can you use the animation where someone is on fire for a skin, so that they are perpetually burning without taking any damage? If someone modeled a mostly red dude with a Fantastic 4 symbol on the chest (pretty simple), and then added the flame animation to it, it would look pretty baller in my opinion.

    I am not begging anyone to try this. I am just curious if it's possible with coding or whatever.

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