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Posts posted by bink

  1. Wow, seems like you have it way too easy then... 1.6 night elf had like 19% evade and the root was only 1 target using line of sight. You now have 20% evade + aoe root around you, sounds pretty legit to me. As for the root itself, sure it's being worked on to make it so that there's no bs inacc but you seem to be forgetting that the recoil still shits on them. Granted, they can crouch-spray-get luck, however they're still a sitting duck. You might think 2 seconds is relatively small however you should also remember the other parts as well. For example the wallhacks it gives (sort of) and majority of the walls you can just spam through it and get the kill or have your entire team/part of team re-directed to the area that it's going to. Then again, since it's being worked on now there's no real need to talk about it until it happens. Even then I doubt there would still need a big talk about it.

  2. 20-30 seemed to be the sweet spot for races but 40-80 is where the OP shit happens.

    Knife races are cool and sometimes pretty well balanced, but I don't play them because lazy.


    The races are clumped together but I think it's okay. It gives a lot of choice on what the player wants to play and thats great for people getting into the game. If you were restricted to say, flame pred for 30 levels you'd probably quit.

    If you remember Zeratul, you know that's not true.

  3. What makes it one of the srongest races? The ability has so small range u actually will never use it as dmg but only for healspaming (wich is good).

    The aura does so low dmg enemy can stand on my head for 50 seconds and will not die.

    The heal from deady enemy aoe is also small so mostly u dont get healed even for ur kills.

    And for the ulty yeah that is pretty stronk.


    Btw: If the race is one of the strongest how come there are only 2 ppl who got it over 50 level and play it. I havent seen anyone PLAYING IT (not just exping it) in a really long time. 


    Btw2: Compare it to other races. For instance - Devil Servant, Rpg, Adventurer etc.... Soul Reaper is always the one who sucks.

    First of all there's 133ish+ races on the server, not everyone is going to find this race good when all the others stand out. You have to find it for yourself or make it 'look' good. Not that difficult, also only 2 players that have it over 50? I think mine's at 88 and a others who also found it around the same time might have it above 50. Also that same time, was pretty much last year. The aura might do 1dps but the range is amazingly full of shit. (damn you knife) The heal helps so much just spamming it, sure there's an hp cap but it's amazingly helpful. In any case it's up to you what you think is shit and what's strong, but Soul Reaper is amazing.


    Speaking of which someone plz help CSGO PRO, I got it to lvl 250 and the only achievement I felt was depression for even maxing it lol...

  4. Another races that are slightly underpowered and should recieve a buff are - Soul Reaper

                                                                                                                            - Holy Jugernaut

                                                                                                                            - Luna 

                                                                                                                            - Sidharta ( The first realm sucks so hard ist like playing no race at all. Many races got like 3hp regen overall but this one sucks really hard. And it encourages u to kemp for 30 secs after every fight.

                                                                                                                             - Plaguebarer - Since the 60 dmg explo on ulty dont work and only the poison works, the poison should have like 2 more ticks.


    Soul Reaper, Holy jug., Luna, and Tiny are fine. In fact Soul Reaper is possibly one of our strongest races. As for Sid & Plague, I'll leave that up to someone else who knows it better. The only thing I would suggest changing on Luna is possibly the rate of attack for the ult.

  5. You forgot duelist ;)

    I figured duelist would be okay after parry was fixed.


    Default is way too strong in my opinion,

    I agree with your comments on Soul Stealer and I'll make the appropriate changes,

    Hand of God is very difficult to change because I literally nerfed it slightly (like 10%) and it became underpowered whereas before it was overpowered, but I'll give it another shot,

    Goliath is a little bit slower paced compared to the other races after the damage distance nerf so I will increase the HP amounts but I will not make it invul.

    I'll take a look at blood mage too.

    In that case for goliath can you increase the hp to proc ult? Possibly up to 100ish idk, it's difficult to get it right on 10-60 when magical damage proc's right through it. Can you also take a look at succubus's extra damage? It seems to be based on my victim's hp instead of my skull count, I was doing +4-5 dmg with 40+ skulls. Default isn't too strong unless you're fully shop whoring at which point it can play against the other races fine, however that's only at the point of fully whoring, most players won't be able to do it even with.


    On another note, for Remilia can you make the ult like master sniper? Possibly even raise drain hp cap to 150?

  6. So I decided to come up with a list of races that need a buff since they're practically considered filler races on the server. Thanks to the help of knife and derpy.


    Succubus - needs a set base on the extra damage, it ranges far too much at around 1-10k hp (had to test) damage did +40-50, yet at 100 it was at +4-5 way too random


    Default - with all the new races around I believe we can set the money on default spawn back to 2k/spawn


    Dante - plz help....


    Soul Stealer - the souls you get per kill needs to be buffed, I remember it being set on your victim's kdr for the map, but it's still really bad and needs help. Also the buffs you get from those souls are leaking to other races once you switch off.


    Hammerstorm - the stun could use a little buff up to .7-1 second (+ability) 


    Hand of God - plz help...


    Goliath - ultimate should be invul instead of evade since extra damage just goes through and possibly even higher hp to proc it


    Bloodmage - plz set ult at a set amount


    Stalker - ult needs a slight buff

  7. Serif has got to be the whiniest warcraft player we've had in a very long time. Be happy Savage isn't what it used to be. I can't imagine how much butthurt there would be if we still allowed persistent velocity across hops.


    Play a race with trueshot, ez win. 

    Pretty much this. It used to be able to 1shot anyone with 100hp add that with ice totem which is a nice fuck you in your face for any roots/slow/bash and the evasion proc'd more. I think I'm at like 67-68% evasion at the moment and would be shit on against a wisp's evasion.

  8. Nope, the only way I would ever support this idea is if it was an expertise at lvl 300-500. Also seen kj + lj before, sometimes it makes the rounds last so long that the round ends.

  9. Ugh, if possible please stop with that. The whole point of the mod was to have fun in the first place. If you're going to add that into the mix it kind of kills off what some people would consider fun any more. Why not just remove necklace entirely? If you remove it, you can kill a better player with ult and possibly ruining their kill streak.I mean from what I see is that people here play for rank anyways, makes no sense but okay.. If you go with the idea of putting in ice totem it will make knife races more playable. They wouldn't have to sit there and watch a person kill them while they're rooted for the entire duration. If you disable the item after half the server dies, it sort of defeats the purpose of purchasing the item. Since we're talking about this, what ever happened to the ult immune bubble on races like priest?

  10. Not going to lie, I really hate necklace. Although I haven't played on the warcraft server in a while I'd rather put up with the Ice Totem item over the necklace any day of the week. For those who don't know or don't remember Ice Totem reduces any movement impairments to .33 seconds. It makes the ultimates somewhat worth something while also allowing some knife races to live through stuff like roots, slow and bash. Granted, it will make pug and root more of a pain in the ass when on golden tail but at least you can counter a little instead of having to worry about necklace.

  11. Well the same gear/equipment is actually our fault, the population will always have their input on what a person should and should not wear. You're damned if you and you're damned if you don't. If you do wear it then you're like every other person, a robot in a way, if you don't however you get shit on. People will either be telling you that you're gimped or that you're shit because you don't have the "correct" gear. Naturally, we are free to our own choices in stats and gears or in this case races, expertise, and possibly titles but we'd still be in the company with people that will say what you should or shouldn't use/play. You are right in saying that it might not change however like races and or expertise it might help in prolonging a player/regulars stay.


    I do realize that you're not trying to argue against the idea however Thorgot would never allow something so bullshit and OP on the server. However, in the case that he did, he would probably nerf it after getting a few reports.

  12. I doubt there would be such a thing, skill or what not to prevent the other team from respawning. Adding to the expertise is nice however how much can you really add to it? You'll get a few here and there but that's about it. Unlike WoW for the achievements we're lacking idk an npc boss to take down like dnd mod. However, if it really were to do nothing but look "nice" or "cool" it will last maybe a week before the novelty of it wears off. Who would want to do something for an achievement that gives you no benefits or merits!? That is just fucking nuts. If you did want it to just look cool then just scrap the idea and go with what Yiyas did. 0-49% completion gives you the title Hero, 50-98% completion rate, I've forgotten the title but I believe it's something like Crimson Knight? People that had 99-100% completion were given the title King. The only time it would show was when the player was connecting & joined a team. The whole idea of the title system was to give players more of an edge, a bit of an rpg-ish feel where they would get stronger as they go. This could get more players to come take a look and possibly stay rather than seeing it do absolutely nothing and a complete waste of time.

  13. You're the reason why the mod community in csgo dies down. I can debunk this whole "Spoil the game for the new players" thing but it will just be a long winded argument and I probably won't change your mind.


    But here are the facts, the wcs mod is already changing too much of the game, if you're going to start with that "I don't like change" shit, then get out. If you told me during the time of 1.6 that we were going to be able to have gravity nades and flying player models or races that teleport you back 5 seconds in time, I would call you delusional. This isn't the case anymore. If you can't wrap your head around a fucking title system, then you have no business in wcs, not that it's even complicated to begin with.


    You also don't play on the wcs server very much so let me just say that new players are actually enjoying all the shit we keep on adding, and are regulars are on every night. We are at that stage where we are no so much worried about attracting new players because the server is already pretty fucking good. It's the reason why the server is full constantly. This isn't ZE where we have to fill 40+ slots. We are maxing the wcs server almost every single night.


    The title system will keep people on the server longer because it gives us shit to look forward to and goals to work for in-game. In no way does this detract from the wcs experience. 

    Pretty much what Horny said. However if you did think like this, why do we bother adding new races, items, and other things? With your idea we'd be sitting only on the original 4 races and getting close to no population if any at all. This idea would make us different from the other warcraf server(s) and possibly even grab more population while we're at it. Another thing it does is help those who've already maxed everything and don't know what to do with themselves on the server. Currently I know several players who are delaying themselves from maxing their last couple of races for this very reason.

  14. Soul & Skull Hunter I-III: Get skulls/souls from 5-10-15 different enemies in a single map. --gets 1-3 more skulls/souls per kill.


    Happy Camper: Get 15 kill in a single map without moving. --gets 5% invis/more invis //doesn't affect takeno or lurker.

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