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Posts posted by Dinosaur

  1. Hey gais, Dinosaur here. I made a forum account just to address an issue that I see with the Credit Shop. I was recently inside the server when they announced these ridiculous prices.

    $5 = 5,000 Credits

    $10 = 10,000 Credits

    $15 = 15,000 Credits

    $20 = 25,000 Creidts


    I don't know about you guys, but I don't really feel like we should have to spend $20 just to be 10k short of the Batman skin.

    I understand that sG is doing this to get some cash (to hopefully put it towards the server) but seriously. If the staff of sG still cannot see the ridicule of these prices, let me put it in perspective.


    League of Legends, a very popular MOBA RTS, allows you to get everything with in-game earned credits except for one thing. Skins. These skins, which are sold at very large volumes, usually run you around $2 - $3 for regular skins, or at most $5 for just a premium skin (not Pulsefire Ezreal you LoL players haha). Now if you think about it, people buy probably more than just one skin. Why? Because it's fun to accesorize. So do you think they would be more sucessful selling one skin for upwards of $20 and making $20 a pop per paying customer? Or Selling maybe 10-20 skins at $3 a pop. Think about it.


    Hopefully someone of sG will actually read this, because I was bored and typed this up in the span of 3 or so rounds.

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