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Posts posted by Illogical

  1. i hate these people that film their acts of kindness. if your real intention is to do good, you do shit like this without filming it

    uhhh pretty sure the point of it is to show the powerful emotion that can come from helping others and inspiring others to do the same.

  2.  Nou, you ditched on Saturday you faggot! 

    I agreed to no such thing. That was me shootin the shit and you made a post about it before I even agreed to set that time aside for gaming. School comes before sG. Always. 

  3. I think we can both agree I spend more time posting here than anybody, combined. Even though 99% of my posts are bollox. 

    You want to go ahead and read out loud for me the top 5 online users and tell me if you see your name is up there?

  4. Hey guys, recently I've been craving to get back into Fez ( even though I've already beaten it) and another game by the name of Treasure Adventure Game ( if you haven't played this you should, so nostalgic). Anyone who has played these games probably knows what I'm looking for. I love the old pixelated look and 2d aspect. A good story isn't bad either. Knowing all this, what do you guys recommend? Know any games that would satisfy?



  5. bye dude really sad to see you go but i guess theres a moment in everyones life like that

    good luck on your new path and hopefully ill see you around

    I hate you guys.

  6. If you live in SoCal I can actually make it happen. Otherwise, there are other Car's and Coffee gatherings in the nation, Austin and Miami have them I know. It just happens that the Irvine one normally has some of the best cars and showcases, because the rich people of the OC can spend fat stacks on their toys.

    Next time I'm in cali we are meeting up for one of these.

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