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Posts posted by OBrian

  1. You might want to put a spoiler warning in the title in case anyone hasn't watched the episode yet

    And when i read this in the book I wasn't really that surprised, it seemed pretty obvious George R.R. Martin hates his fans enough to keep letting Jofferey win

    Pff, he's just a realistic writer. Of course the family that supposedly has the most money should be able to bribe people left and right. Only makes sense. And if Jofferey's head isn't on a spike before the end of the show I will personally slap Mr. Martin.

  2. Did not see that one coming. My jaw was on the ground for about 15 minutes trying to absorb wtf just happened. Ending was priceless though, about time that old bitch died.

  3. I don't know if anyone's read the Sword of Truth series, but god damn, if that isn't an example of a shitty TV show that came from a book. Goodkind should be ashamed, if not for his delicious stories.

    Anyway, so many movies are made from books, and this show is just great. I had started reading the first book, then stopped halfway through after I was told there was a show. I watched the first season, then read the rest of the book, and God, they did a good job on the show.

    Rambling aside, yes, so excited for the next season <3.

    Sword of Truth was fucking awesome, loved every book. The TV show sucked hardcore, I was really disappointed in that. I still hope that some major Hollywood company will make a new movie/show for it though.

  4. I actually tried it again last night, and it's not nearly as glitchy as it used to be. Still, I'd never pay 27 bones for it. Glad I got it for $12 or so.

    Yeah its come quite far from alpha, I get bored of it after spending a little more then a month on it. Then I'll stop playing for a few months then come back to new patches with a shit ton of new content and its entertaining again.

  5. Haven't seen or heard anything about it in weeks, so I invite you guys to check this amazing mod out. I came.


    This video is 5 months old, shit ton more content added including over 300 pokemon. The mod is a lot more polished, for example all the pokemon have animations for their attacks.

  6. hots campaign was pretty fun, although i felt like it was way too easy (on hard) with the imba unit evolutions they give you.

    its worth noting that zerg in multiplayer is absolutely nothing like the campaign zerg. throughout the entire sp game you aren't even given the ability to inject larvae. i think i built a macro hatch in almost every single mission that i was able to.

    don't ever listen to people complaining about race imbalance, but if i had to venture a guess as to what obrian was talking about, its probably mothership core/ mines too stronk

    Terran rape now with widow mines and battle helions, Toss rapes now with mothership core and their new air.

  7. Hey man, what is this censorship shit? Now this thread has completely lost its meaning.

    This ain't the FFA son, sorry.

    Could you be so kind as to move the thread there and return the pics to us :D?

  8. That does seem to be it. Very captivating

    I thought I was going to regret clicking this thread...do not regret 10/10

    Mmm, verily.

    Dat ass.

    This is why I love you guys lol. I declare this the new vagina thread, post them pussies? (No Zach, you may not post the shit you post in the FFA defacing African Americans)

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