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Posts posted by Knox

  1. couldn't wait for u to post so i could torch you like the fucking swamp dwelling dweeb u are


    i said multiple times while you were being a bitch boy to stop complaining about shit and make a post about it on the forums in which you replied with:


    Jun 6, 2015 12:42:54 pm too high to do that kind of extraneous things 24/7 sG | Warcraft 3 [JoinSG|Stats|Invis|CustomRaces] Jun 6, 2015 12:42:37 pm i hate writing just doing it when im dead know haha 24/7 sG | Warcraft 3 [JoinSG|Stats|Invis|CustomRaces]

    http://sg.gameme.com/player_histories/chat/591384 if anyone wants to read more this guy is a goldmine of the worst complaints i've ever seen come out of this place


    let me just state that you should probably stop trying to state that you're a veteran warcraft3 player i could give a fuck less whether you just joined or if you've been playing for years you're still a retard

    people who are selected to test races are supposed to do exactly that, which is test the races. if they are whoring the race and refuse to get off it, you should take a screenshot/demo and fucking report them because that's the only way anyone is going to know someone is abusing their tester status.

    your argument of "Testers are abusing races and nerfing it after maxing, its not hard to fucken know when a race is op by just reading the skill" is a fucking joke. sit and read some of the race descriptions that tell you absolutely nothing about the race and tell me ppl are retarded for playing it.


    when it comes to new races being added to the server that's all on the engineers hands not just any admin who joins and plays the server. you're really uneducated when it comes to how the server works even though you've been "playing for at least 3 years". maybe if you spent some time figuring out about how things work you would be less of a shithead.


    face kicked you right before i could because for a whole map all you did was bitch and whine about testers and tester races


    and who the fuck are you to say face is the only one who considers other players when you were attempting to bm him with your comment 


    Jun 6, 2015 12:41:41 pm the problem is Face is not a good coder so he cant resolve anyhting either 24/7 sG | Warcraft 3 [JoinSG|Stats|Invis|CustomRaces]


    fuck off you piece of shit

    i'll shit on ur chest at recess


    in the end, if you sit in the server and complain about stupid shit the entire day there's no reason for you to play on the server. if you continue to do stupid shit like this i'll just ban u whenever you're in the server i'm tired of dealing with stupid fuckers like you and that's like half of the w3 population so maybe there should be a rule in place against this (hello skit where are u)

  2. ya if someone is sitting in spawn buying and spamming flashes i'm going to slay him because that's against the rules under 

    • Do not teamflash in an attempt to disrupt gameplay.

    which will happen 90% of the time if someone is sitting in spawn and throwing them

  3. idk why staff hid my post it was constructive and giving this guy an option since he brought up 0 valid points in his post that i quoted other than to flame ppl

    The reason my tone for this thread was of mild agitation is how this forum community treats discussions and issues within itself. If I have to get some neg reps and some troll posts to get my point across I will do it every day

    there should be no reason for you to insult the community as a whole because people don't understand what racism as defined by sG rules means.


    i kick dorks all the time for breaking the rule, and my thoughts can be summed up from skitt's post but also rayne's

    When ever somebody says it around me, friend or not, they are banned, I don't care if they are popular, if it was an accident... if we let it off once or twice then eventually everyone will start doing it.

  4. The only problem with locally muting when there is 2-3 players non-stop talking is that everyone is aware these kids are talking (even if they are muted) so nobody else talks.


    Last night I was on for maybe 2 maps and I rarely heard anybody talk but the same 3 players, even if I mute them then the server is just silent (because not everyone is going to mute them or assumes not everyone else has them muted) so they might as well me globally muted and told to go yell at each other in skype at that point instead of ruining "muh chat experience".


    Moral of the story is, I don't like playing in a server with NOBODY talking on voicechat, and when you have a group of people screaming nonstop muting them is essentially the same as voice_enable 0, and I don't feel like they should have that kind of power.

    here i have another pro tip

    talk over them if you don't have them muted, and show them that you have a big dick

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