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Posts posted by Kung?

  1. Game of Thrones is pretty good. I'm about 60% through the first book and intend to watch it once I've finished the books.

    i'm definitely gonna pick it up. Love the show, even if it does overindulge in sex scenes :P

    Read Confessions of an Economic Hit man by John Perkins

    i'll check it out

    you should also pick up 50 shades of gray, because you lean that way

    ur too late ive already read them sry

    Some books that I enjoyed that I can think of off the top of my head:

    1984 - George Orwell

    The Stranger - Albert Camus

    Catch-22 - Joseph Heller

    East of Eden - John Steinbeck

    Angels & Demons - Dan Brown

    1984 is great, I've already read most of Orwell's stuff.

    I've also read Catch-22 as well.

    I haven't read East of Eden but I enjoy some of Steinbeck's work, so I'll look into it.

    Also, isn't that the guy who wrote the Da Vinci Code? That book was terrible IMO.

    These are just the series names, If you have questions regarding what order to read them in or are interested in what order I recommend reading them (series wise), feel free to ask. Do take note, nearly all of these books are close to 1000 pages, so these are not short books at all. If you would like individual names of the books, either Google them(can be a bit confusing, since some of them have A LOT of books) or just ask.

    Good examples of long series in here btw, since Dragon Lance series as a whole has close to 15 or so books, A sword of Truth has I believe 12-15 as well.

    thanks. I really have no problem with books being very lengthy - I prefer them that way. inb4 twss

    Anyway, I have a friend who is really into R.A. Salvatore. Fantasy isn't really my thing but I'll check some of these out. Thanks. :)

    rX, The Eleventh Plague, or Breathless is pretty good. I read it for Literacy.

    who is the author of rX? getting several different results on google :/

    reading is for nerds

    so you're an avid reader, then?

    Animal Farm is another good george orwell

    read it, thanks :D it's a good one

    Personally, i'm a contemporary sci-fi whore when it comes to books.

    Orson Scott Card has a lot of good ones such as Ender's Game (which is coming out as a movie November 1st), and the others of its series. He's also written good fantasy-esque books, my favorites being The Lost Gate and Pathfinder.

    Good author, check him out.

    already read the whole Ender series. Can't wait for the movie, ESPECIALLY with Harrison Ford and Sir Ben Kingsley being in it.

    Just now picked up the following on Kindle:

    The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson

    I Am Legend by Richard Matheson

    Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank

    A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

    any more suggestions?

    rX is written by Tracy Lynn. One of the chapter name is "To drunk to... fuq." The book is kind of mature but its really inspirational and depressing.

  2. My feelings toward it are iffy. I liked Heavy Rain having watched a full playthrough of it on YT, but never actually played it myself. I feel like cinematic video games have to have the right balance of gameplay and cutscenes or they won't be received well. Having said this, I haven't seen any gameplay videos aside from a few trailers of it (if they are any, feel free to link them). Saying that, can't put a judgement on it as of yet.

    and gameplay. I know the gameplay is limited but this game comes out in about a few weeks or so. The graphics and especially the facial expressions are so amazing, it scares me.

  3. People say it might or will be the marriage of gaming and cinema. Some say it will be a powerful and emotional game. I personally think it will be a masterpiece and or amazing as its predecessor, Heavy Rain. What do you guys think?

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