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About c0cky

  • Rank
    Fresh Meat

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Buckinghamshire, UK

Contact Methods

  • Skype

About Me

Hi this is my about me section I guess. Uh, I'm 6'2, white British male, my friend says I kinda look like Gary Barlow so just google him and you will know what I kinda look like.. So my interests are watching anime, reading manga and playing CS:GO Jailbreak and normal TF2. Aside from that I'm a massive fan of the old GTA games, anything before GTA IV pretty much, it sucks in my opinion. So I know like, all there is to know about VCS and before. there is an interests section but fuck that shit. I can play the guitar, I kinda suck at it though.

I go to college, I'm doing what's called a "IT Practitioners course Level 3". Basically it's like, the highest level course for IT before university courses.. I'm really fucking lazy, like beyond lazy so if you want me to do anything for you, don't expect it to be done on time or whatever. If you ever need any help like, IT wise, don't be scared to ask me or something, hardware or software, it's pretty much the only shit I know. I know everything but coding, I kinda always think that people who boast about being so good at C++ are douches, so I never tried to do that. But I'm great at HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and know a lot about others.

Whatever, that must be boring to read. You're still reading? You must like me. I like you too, mystery man/woman. Even though I fail at spelling and failed my English GCSE in school, I get really anal about grammar. No idea why. I guess I'll end this here.


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