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Posts posted by Clamps

  1. 9 hours ago, Yung Stew said:

    If I had a dime for every time you said "You arent witty, funny or cool" I'd be a millionaire. Stop becoming so intensely triggered by my posts and just let those rustled jimmies loose. Nerdlmao

    No, you'd have about 30 cents you dense jackass. Enjoy your 10 minutes of relevance as you fade away like every other moron who has tried to come on here and be edgy. 


    But nah, you're completely original. 



  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4Ha_XjCuA8

    33 minutes ago, Yung Stew said:


    Jailbreak is the server you go to for when you feel edgy. You go, you ignore the orders, and people get salty. It's fun to go on Jailbreak and record/stream all of the cancerousautism9000 that goes on between Paidmins and trolls, sometimes even Server Officers. 


    Seriously.. just go find a rock and stay under it. You arent witty, funny or cool. You're just showing us how low your IQ really is. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Patrick_Star said:

    Cause jeannie best. I can be as retarded and or cancerous as fuck at times, out of my own expression to supply the server with, others rain on hate because they do not know how to respond, in which you get mindless supported responses such as Clamps, ask me and I could fucking care less, this is something between you and me trav, not for spectators to shout aloud

    First, learn to use a fucking comma. Second, these two sentences alone say everything that needs to be said about you. And frankly, you started this the moment you posted in this thread trying to troll. So this isn't a "You and Trav" thing, this is an "Everyone" thing. 


    Now in an effort to get through to you, i'll go ahead and insert a bunch of commas down here that you can add into my statement so you can read it properly.

    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - that should be enough I hope. 

  4. I dont think we'll get much of a population if we leave it vanilla. There's just plenty of official vanilla servers out there to join. I voted for modded. Doesnt have to be anything nuts, but 2 or 3x resources and even maybe /tp would work. 

  5. On behalf of the Syndicate Gamers community we would like to thank Mimic for the donation of 5 Qdoba burritos that was recently made.

    These burritos will be put to good use in keeping our servers and website fun and online!


    Syndicate Gamers

    thanks chief

  6. First person ever to be banned for posting spam in the spam section. GG

    You know what, fuck you. It blows my fucking mind how a town trusts you to protect the public. You're a fucking adult and you act worse than 10 year old children on Jail Break. Some of us have had to deal with personal shit and haven't been able to go see the movie yet. And after doing my best at avoiding all these shitbag trolls trying to spoil it before I go see it, you do your goddamn best to plaster it all over these fucking forums, knowing full well you shouldn't be. I genuinely hope you never procreate. 


    Take the time off to go and get some professional help (seriously, you fucking need it) and grow the fuck up. 

  7. This is hands down the dumbest order in JB, so I'm going to explain my thoughts on it:


    Warden A sucks. He's either hopped up on caffeine or has a thick accent. He gives this exact order and half the Ts dont understand/dont hear it and ask for a repeat. So he repeats it. Me being one of those Ts that didnt understand it and requested a repeat are now waiting for the warden to say go. The other half that heard it are now doing the order because the warden said the word "go" while repeating his orders as requested. I get domed for not completing them along with the other Ts that asked for a repeat. 


    Or, the other half that heard the order get killed because you have 10+ CT's that dont know what the hell to do and think the first half are rebelling since they're moving while the others aren't. 


    TL;DR - This is, in my opinion a bait and a bullshit order made by killwhores that results in admin chat getting flooded with kids screaming they've been free killed. 


    Cows is right;
    Clamps is dumb;
    If you say go after the initial order, even if its a repeat, they can (and should) start the order.

    Stay on War3, scrub.

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