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Posts posted by Clamps

  1. General question here and not to kick the shit dust back up, but is there a way to limit paidmins ability to target L2/L3? I'm assuming its a one way street, but maybe removing the ability for paidmins to slay/kick/etc L2/L3 while still insuring L2/L3 can't target paidmins would be win/win on both sides. 

    I could also be talking out my ass on this one and not making any sense.. it's been a long day. 

  2. Basically the server errors due to a hacker and I need to manually close the error for the server to be restarted. I am working on a fix.
    Is there any monitoring programs that can be installed to alert you when the server goes down?

  3. So what happened to the don't post if not part of it rule? or does this only apply to people you guys /don't/ like.

    Weren't you in here about 12+ hours ago running your mouth about "Power tripping admins" yet when asked for proof you got offended until someone of authority asked for it, then proceeded to fail to present any? Go troll in some other sub, shitstack/ You're not gonna ruffle any feathers here. 

  4. You are seriously nothing more than a plague to our servers. You've also done nothing but waste our time with your feeble, bullshit attempt to file a complaint over something I'm more than willing to bet money on you deserved.. Few things here junior:

    1) Your mic is fucking garbage. It sounds like a squirrel getting strangled in a wind tunnel when you speak.

    2) I don't care how hard you try to sell it, your voice changer is way beyond fucking annoying and quite frankly I won't put up with it anymore. You want to be able to be a CT on JB, here's what needs to happen (at least when I'm on)

    A) You speak properly and loud enough for everyone to hear you. If someone asks for a repeat, you better oblige and repeat your order. (protip:this means reading chat)

    B) Lose the fucking voice changer. You aren't fooling anyone.... At all.... If I hear it even once I'll restrict you until I'm told not to. You are a shining example of why the no balls rule should be reinstated (Thanks Shadow! <3), try to set a goal for yourself to be the argument against it..

  5. Can try to find a free version of this: http://www.drivershq.com/


    Or do what Tortoise said. Can also try updating the wireless adapter's drivers. Maybe change channels you're broadcasting out on as well. 


    Get the make/model and put it here and I can try and do some digging today if its quiet. 

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