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Posts posted by Faptastic

  1. Alas, poor Boondock! I knew him well, Syndicate Gamers.... a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rims at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs? Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?


    rip in piece

  2. Oh man I am so happy I got to read a complete copy pasta of reddit after reading about this around 11am yesterday

    Do you ride the short bus to school?



    Anyway, how many people do you think are going to protest at this guy's funeral and how do you think his loved ones are going to react? 

  3. I gotta admit that even though his behavior is pretty sketchy in the majority of these demos (any regular player would have simply ignored a spectator and kept on playing normally instead of worrying about the spectator's presence), these demos on their own don't corroborate hacking. If you really want to get him, try changing your name and speccing him or letting other people on the server know discretely to watch him as well in hopes that you'll get enough evidence to get him banned. These demos alone probably will not cut it.

  4. If you haven't already, I suggest reading up on the Lee Rigby murder. Our opinions on the guilty party isn't out of revenge, or emotions... they deserve death for what they have done.

    I read about the murders prior to posting my comment. Like I said, killing someone is never justified unless it's in self defense or prevents further deaths from occurring. No one should decide who deserves to die. 

  5. I'm agnostic, only because the only real truth regarding religion is that no human knows for sure whether or not a deity exists. 

     Either that or people need to stop attempting to force feed their beliefs down everybody's neck.

    I agree 100%. We also need to acknowledge that anyone regardless of their religion (or lack of thereof) can be an arrant douchebag. 


    Please give me a religion that forces people to their cause ? Come on Support what you just said

    Jehovah's Witnesses.




    Also, being an atheist doesn't indubitably make you better/smarter than any religious person just like how being a theist doesn't indubitably make you a better person than an atheist. Just be tolerant of those who don't shove their beliefs down your throat.

  6. Although the prison systems in most countries are in desperate need of reform (finding a balance between appropriate punishment and moral fairness is pretty much impossible), I gotta say that it's still the lesser of two evils compared to the death penalty. Not only has the death penalty proven to be an ineffective deterrent for the most despicable kinds of crimes --  it sort of contradicts the zeitgeist of this era of progression that we're living in right now. If we're killing people for killing people to show to others that killing people is wrong, we're simply perpetuating the notion that killing without a reason is okay.


    Lives are no light matter. I think the problem with most people is that our emotions make us impetuous creatures. Sure, it's easy to claim that you desire the death of someone from the comfort of your computer, but think about what you're really saying... If you're advocating for the killing of people due to your own feelings of indignance and desires for revenge, what makes you different from any murderer? Claiming the moral high ground doesn't justify what you're advocating.


    tl;dr the death penalty is generally illogical 

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