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Posts posted by TheDentist

  1. Yeah there is a lot of dead talking on matchmaking, sometimes too much. Do people in Esea use third party voice chat programs to get around that?

    lol of course. the chances of getting 4 of your buddies on your team is slim to none, though, since esea has a balancing system.

    Ah, I was under the impression ESEA was what clans used, so it was like clan vs clan. Shows how much I know about the competitive competitive scene! Let me know on steam next time you're about to get in game, I'd love to spec it

  2. The matches I've played are much more predictable , so I can't speak to whatever level you're playing at sketch, I'm bouncing between gold nova one and silver elite, so... Anyway, if I'm ramp and die I get that neat three seconds of watching my corpse which is usually enough to see where they're going more definitively. They really probably ought to not give you any ghosting time at all, seems pretty cheap.

    I Xedout the CTs that would potentially die on those rushes, ideally they would take out some terrorists as well and slow down the push, but I didn't feel it necessary to outline how many terrorists should die on the strat lol

  3. This is the basic one we've used with decent success over the last couple weeks. Utilizes two 'floater' positions (#2 and #4) that have quick access to relieve stresses elsewhere, and 2 wideouts (#1 and #5) with #3 being in a good spot to assist assuming A isn't approached. Let me know what you think

    CT Setup


    Terrorists Rush Secret


    *Caveat to this strat: If Ts get bogged down outside, Ramp CTs can flank out back door to squeeze, and A player can come out main door to support outside push

    Terrorists Rush Main Site A


    Terrorists Rush Ramp to B


  4. This is the basic one we've used with decent success over the last couple weeks. Utilizes two 'floater' positions (#2 and #4) that have quick access to relieve stresses elsewhere, and 2 wideouts (#1 and #5) with #3 being in a good spot to assist assuming A isn't approached. Let me know what you think

    CT Setup


    Terrorists Rush Secret


    *Caveat to this strat: If Ts get bogged down outside, Ramp CTs can flank out back door to squeeze, and A player can come out main door to support outside push

    Terrorists Rush Main Site A


    Terrorists Rush Ramp to B


  5. Been playing a lot of CS:GO competitive and casual games with other members and want to post some stuff about it, strats and comments and screenshots/vids, etc, but there isn't really a good place for just that stuff. Besides general gaming forum... Anyway, can we open up a subforum for CS:GO Stuff (not the jb, ze, surf mods, but classic CS:GO), that would be much appreciated!

  6. I have a dream... That ill record all warden commands I normally give in certain maps and bind them all. Then I'll sit back...a la warden monkey

    Press bind1: when cell doors open...

    Press bind2: all Ts crouch walk to...

    Press bind3: all Ts complete no det/del...

    Press bind4: all Ts freeze no det/del

    So on and so forth...

  7. RkxJkMa.png

    GOD DAMN IT...that's the exact picture I was looking for originally. I even asked Windmill over Steam if he knew the picture. I had no idea they were limes that he was dropping, as it was normally shopped at something else.

    Edit....what a second...are those mother fucking avocados? What the hell kind of picture...


    They're not brown though

    The one under his hand held up by his elbow looks like a kiwi cut in half.

    Edit: Upon further inspection I am an idiot and it is indeed a lime.

    Where did you get kiwis from???


    I am so embarassed... I forgot they were only green on the inside... smh

  8. I agree deathmatch would be more popular, but playing the actual game is fun. I've played competitive with lots of members of these forums and it would be nice to have a server to play 5v5 all sG... Maybe a private server? Or at least someone with the power to change an empty ze server to a good couple rounds of classic competitive for An afternoon, then switch it back. I won't pretend to understand how servers work so if its possible to easily switch the map/style of an empty server if we had ten ready to play guys that would be awesome, otherwise I guess deathmatch is better than nothing?

  9. Good luck man! I may not know you very personally, but I sincierally wish you the best of luck, and know you will pass with flying colors! Just do what you do best and you'll do great! Hope to hear the results soon!

    Thanks! I've been really busy last two weeks so I haven't been around here too much, but I've been using sG and gaming as a good outlet for this stress, can't wait for it to be over! I'll def let everyone know how it went, takes about two weeks to get official results

  10. Hey y'all!

    This weekend, Super Bowl Sunday to be exact, I am sitting for my regional board exam to obtain my dental license to practice in Ohio! I'm super stressed but confident and excited for all this shit to be over. So far I've passed two written national board exams (800 questions), a regional written exam (300 questions), and a typodont (fake mouth with plastic teeth) exam where I completed three crowns and two root canals on fake teeth. Not to mention three and a half years of classes and clinic work.

    Anyway, for this board I'm completing two fillings on live (as of today!) patients with tens of dentists looking over my shoulder. The last thing I'm worried about is the fillings (done hundreds), its the immense pressure from having all these eyes on you and all the very, very specific rules for this weekend.

    In conclusion, wish me luck!

  11. Hey guys -

    I've noticed a pretty extreme lack of use of the 4 servers for cs:go except for jb, which is still very popular. Any chance we can switch it to play a classic competitive map schedule? With the option to lock it down and play 5v5 within the clan, I think that would be fun as hell, just take the least popular extra server (minigames maybe) and make it a classic competitive?

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