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Posts posted by Daft2thePunk

  1. So I recently bought a ATM50-A1 taotao 50cc scooter and i tested it driving around my neighborhood yesterday and everything went smooth. However today as i decided to use it and drive over to my friends house. I come up to a red light and suddenly as soon as i stop the engine cuts off. I just started it up again knowing somethings wrong but i was only a small block away and this time the engine cut off in the middle of a turn while im not turning the accelerator, im not used to scooters/motorcycles and i would like to own one in the near future, but because of this i panic'd hit the breaks and got into a accident (sprained leg, slid under an SUV and got alot of scrapes and burns on myself) surprisingly the scooter only received a few scratches. 

    Anyways to the point, I've been trying to Google why it would do this but haven't been able to find anything solid on the situation. 
    Next hope was to come to sG and see if anyone could help me here before i go to a mechanic.

  2. Banned because all t's were told to shift walk and freeze on top of the cell stand in the Spy v Spy map, the only thing thats would count as a "stand" is the area right above the cells, so i killed everyone who went onto the cell button instead since there was no asking of clarification until i killed everyone. 


    Take what you will from it.

  3. No Game No Life is fucking outstanding.

    Cant wait for the sailor moon reboot. 

    Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei its also really good.

    Mekakucity <3

    Broken Blade is good for another mech

    Captain Earth is pretty decent if you like mechs also

    Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou Is possible the best anime this season by far for my standards.

  4. Aight piero u asked for it.

    We look to the past
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    To reclaim the Digital world

    With faith in ourselves
    And trust in each other
    We live by the lessons we learned

    As we work towards one solution
    Through a spirit evolution

    Forever united as one
    Together the battles are won
    Through us let your spirit evolve

    If we're all for one world
    There's a world for us all

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