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Posts posted by ROFL

  1. lol, 7th grade doesn't mean anything. You could pass with a D average and still be fine

    My parents had to sign a sheet saying that they would start my highschool transcript and recieve hs credits, so i dunno mang, sounds like sts bsn

  2. the order that it goes in my school district is:


    9th grade->alg 1

    10th-> geometry

    11th-> alg 2

    12th->precalc or AP functions and stats


    is this how it works for you too rofl?

    Yeah, I go to another school via bus in like the morning for alg

  3. Bombed finals, which were like 30% of our grade, got a 77% which knocked me down to a 89% which is supposed to be a B, but she bumped me up to an A :) I just started my highschool transcript with a 4 GPA. Tybg mathteacher

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