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Posts posted by Timeassassin103

  1.                                                                                         Comp Rank: Unranked, since I am still level 2

                                                                             Gameme profile: http://sg.gameme.com/playerinfo/545983

                                                                             Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064024536/

                                                                             Forums account: http://www.joinsg.net/user/14234-timeassassin103/

  2. Honestly there has been a lot of balance fixes on the server that I could hardly find any imbas. Like Lemon said, the user depends on if the race is going to be "op" or not. Lets say you give some random Master of GO, while you give Rabbit the same race. Who is going to win more in a battle? To shorten this up, everything is in working order and I think the priority is should be on bug fixes then on anything else (even though you can hardly find a bug at first, but if you really dig deep you can find one). But that is my 2 cents kek.

  3. Thanks everyone who came for the play test.

    General reaction was pretty positive. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Maybe you will see a live server soon.

    Was really fun, but I would of had more fun if I didn't had roughly 400 ping...thanks AT&T >.>.

  4. There seems to be problem with wish and Human Marine. I was playing another race with wish then switched to Human Marine and I spawned with no weapons except my knife. This is an issue if your on T side because you cannot buy a Famas.

    This happens all the time with wish and gun specific races. You just need to avoid wish if you are planning on to switch to a gun specific race.

  5. Noticed a small handful of people AFK'ing quite a bit the last couple weeks and had numerous people complain about it/ask me about it.


    The first thing you should be doing is /teamswitch_spec playername. They can only keep cash for so long as a spectator and they can't earn round win experience as a spectator.

    If they keep swapping to teams but continue to afk, that is when you can start banning.


    Here's the deal: if someone is AFK for the majority of 2-3 maps, give them a SHORT ban. 10-15 minutes.

    Here is what this would look like: They join a team, they are AFK for the majority of rounds played, it occurs over multiple maps (2-3+, depending on exactly how much they are AFK'ing), and it isn't some abnormal circumstance. e.g. if some regular goes afk for 2 or 3 maps it is probably an IRL issue and not them abusing. If it happens consistently, maybe reconsider.

    I would suggest banning for 5-15 minutes the first time you do, just to send a message to someone. Make sure to put some ban message so I know you banned them for being AFK, or tell me and I can edit the ban message.


    If someone has been banned for AFK'ing before and later on/the next day they AFK for multiple consecutive maps, feel free to ban them for 30 minutes. Please don't exceed 30 minute bans unless they get aggressive about it somehow.


    If you got any questions, feel free to ask me.


    Obviously I am exempt to this because I am typically dealing with server bullshit Kappa


    The main thing is, use your brain. For the most part this post should not affect 99.9% of players. Typically admins do a fine job switching people to spectator. This is just for a few "edge" cases where people are AFK more than they are playing CONSTANTLY.

    This should also be dubbed as "sweetrocking"

  6. Hey guys ive been wondering, should we have some kind of competition like about guys who gets most lvls in a week or most knife kills and they change every week and the rewards would admins decide like 5k xp or something like that ?

    We have special events during the holidays that give different rewards like level banks and etc.

  7. No need to add plugins.


    Just say in chat:


    16k$ for Tango's head. Hornycat kills tango.


    !transfer Hornycat all


    done, manual bounty added

    Buuuuut, what if the person who set the bounty was a dick and doesn't transfer the money? Well they won't get the money obviously, but they will complain.

  8. Can we get Thor disabled until it's fixed? There's been some complaints so I've been telling people to stay off the race.

    Yeah since people purposely play it to annoy people because it is broken. As soon as the SOs/admins start telling them to get off it (titan trading or whoever for example) would not get off it and annoy Serif and others with the 1 shot until we tell him so much he leaves so that he can rejoin when the SOs and admins leave.

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