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  1. Downvote (-1)
    JWB10 reacted to Soapy in About Jailbreak..   
    Just listen to groov
  2. Downvote (-1)
    JWB10 reacted to Soapy in About Jailbreak..   
  3. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to fontaine in About Jailbreak..   
    I'm sure many of you have noticed Jailbreak either being extremely laggy/down these past few days and I thought I should let you know why. Recently our server has been the target of a large scale DDoS attack. The attack is focused specifically on the JB IP, and the reason for the attack is unknown. It could be an angry person that was banned, or someone from a competing server trying to knock us down. In an effort to avoid problems to our other servers, we usually nullroute the IP address during an attack (the IP becomes unpingable and unreachable). We are working with our host to hopefully mitigate these attacks, but it is difficult due to the size and nature of the attacks.
    I hope you bear with us and we apologize for the down time.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to CatsAreCrits in Harlem Shake on JB   
  5. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to jbandito in WHY?!?!   
    Don't you dare ever mention WCS in this Forum again
  6. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to Eddy in Tortoise makes me cray when he abooses me!   
    Neg rep is appreciated to restore my max neg rep status.
    Don't fucking plus rep me fgts
  7. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to TheDentist in Can we have a CS:GO Competitive/Casual sub-forum please?   
    Been playing a lot of CS:GO competitive and casual games with other members and want to post some stuff about it, strats and comments and screenshots/vids, etc, but there isn't really a good place for just that stuff. Besides general gaming forum... Anyway, can we open up a subforum for CS:GO Stuff (not the jb, ze, surf mods, but classic CS:GO), that would be much appreciated!
  8. Downvote (-1)
    JWB10 reacted to TCU FROGS!!! in sG l Mr.Panda lvl 315   
    Then I will get his Steam ID, even though I shouldnt waste my time because I know you wont do a damn thing to help your servers out. You will just say "Screenshot or I can't do anything." So I guess I'll just play this server when I'm completly wasted and dont give a damn being killed for no reason other they to give your little sG members the hits and giggles.
  9. Downvote (-1)
    JWB10 reacted to TCU FROGS!!! in sG l Mr.Panda lvl 315   
    Tonight at approx. 12:45 P.M. Central Time Mr Panda not only disobeyed sG rules but then harrassed and trolled me the remaining time during Jailbreak. He thought it would be "funny" to camp vents then enter and kill then type "Haha get owned I followed you the whole time!" then when I tried to bring it up with him he stated GTFO your a "FAG" which was very rude and got Brownies to get in on it. Trolling me, killing me for no reason other than I "pissed them off" and was berated. I know they might be "Veteran" members but you cannot have a real dedicated server with people like them being your "backbone" I expect this to be delt with properly, simply because I have been an sG jailbreak server member for almost 2 years and refuse to be treated like an animal.
    - TCU FROGS!!!
  10. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to cookie eater in I'm back!   
    I dont know you Wax, but WE WILL BE BEST FRIENDS EVER.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to Eddy in Guys   
    Aren't you like 12 or something?
  12. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to Sakata in Guys   
    Good luck with that.
    Faking it.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to Mitch in Applying to Syndicate Gaming   
    Applying to Syndicate Gaming
    If you are reading this thread, you're one step closer into joining Syndicate Gamers Community. Please read the following thread carefully as it is essential you follow all the detailed guidelines we give regarding our recruitment process. It is a long process to get into Syndicate Gaming, but it could be well worth it.
    Applications are Open during the first 7 days of the month and Closed for the rest of the month.

    Pre-Requisites to Apply
    You must join our Discord server prior to submitting your application. You are not required to be active, but it is highly encouraged. Created an Introduction thread in the Introduction Subforum. No bans of 30 minutes or more within the past 3 months (from when the ban ended) of submitting your application.   
    Recruitment Process
    After meeting the pre-requisites, you will now be able to make a application by posting it in the recruitment section http://www.joinsg.net/forums/forum/23-recruitment/
    Recruitment Template
    Once a staff member confirms all information is valid, your application will be moved to Pending. You will become a sGr | Recruit and will put on "sGr | " tags.
    Member Level 1
    You must go through a recruitment period until the end of the month You must wear sGr | tags until the application is accepted or denied You must be in our Discord server during the recruitment period You must receive at least 20 referrals from Level 2 members, Server Officers, and above. Three referrals must be from Staff.  
    Member Referrals, Comments and/or Concerns:
    Members will have the chance to refer the Recruits during the month long Recruitment period. Members can also voice legitimate comments/concerns with the Recruit without referring. Members must make it clear as to whether or not they are referring the Recruit. Members may not rescind referrals. So please do not be hastily with your referrals and make the right decision the first time. It is heavily encouraged to leave an explanation for your referral, but is not mandatory to so.  
    Withdrawing an Application
    In order to withdraw your application, please make a Private Message to Staff thread and a Recruitment Officer will do all things necessary.  
    Terminating an Application
    Please note that as a Recruit, you represent our community. We will not tolerate negative behavior on our community servers OR other community servers. If your application is terminated you will have to wait a longer time to reapply.
    Your application will be terminated:
    If your actions negatively represent our community. If you receive a ban longer than 30 minutes.  
    If your application is denied or withdrawn, you must wait two months (or two recruitment cycles) before reapplying to sG.

    Any infractions or complaints during this period will have a direct effect on your applications success.
    Thank you for taking the time to read recruitment process.
    Good luck!
  14. Downvote (-1)
    JWB10 reacted to TCU FROGS!!! in King buried under parking lot   
    I guess someone parked they car on him!
  15. Downvote (-1)
    JWB10 reacted to TCU FROGS!!! in sG l Mr.Panda lvl 315   
    So your saying if there is no screenshot your going to take your little buddies words? Ouch horrible way to run a server.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 got a reaction from porknchili in Post a Picture of your Pet(s)   
    Here's another
  17. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 got a reaction from Kim in Post a Picture of your Pet(s)   
  18. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 got a reaction from porknchili in Post a Picture of your Pet(s)   
  19. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 got a reaction from WaaX in I'm back!   
    You shot me in the face on Avalanche today. Nice to meet you.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to Ivanns in HOLY APPS   
    Don't remind people of that
  21. Downvote (-1)
    JWB10 got a reaction from water.exe in HOLY APPS   
    And all but sweetrock are JB people.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 got a reaction from sweetrock in HOLY APPS   
    And all but sweetrock are JB people.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to Sketchmaticx in When I type go   
    Why is everybody a pussy on JB now?
  24. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 reacted to weekillz in Staff   
    Why the fuck do u have a picture of my mom?
  25. Upvote (+1)
    JWB10 got a reaction from WhiteLabyrinth in Post a Picture of your Pet(s)   
    Here's another
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