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Lv. 100 Garchomp

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Posts posted by Lv. 100 Garchomp

  1. [10:21:32 AM] Ctark (Ryan xxx): Who is this Michael Sparacin?
    [10:21:49 AM] Ctark (Ryan xxx): Oh that guy
    [10:22:14 AM] Steven G (DogsGoMeow): Wait, why is he in this chat?
    [10:22:58 AM] Ctark (Ryan xxx): ya, I was just about to ask that too
    [10:23:06 AM] Ctark (Ryan xxx): I just woke up, so things are slow right now
    [10:23:23 AM] Ctark (Ryan xxx): are we promoting a new staff member that no one knows about?
    [10:23:28 AM] Steven G (DogsGoMeow): I think he was added to the wrong skype
    [10:23:33 AM] Lv. 100 Garchomp (Silver): yeah...
    [10:23:39 AM] Steven G (DogsGoMeow): Stupid iaf
    [10:23:43 AM] Lv. 100 Garchomp (Silver): ahahaha
    [10:23:58 AM] Ctark (Ryan xxx): Bye bro, now you can say you were in the Staff Skype
    [10:24:02 AM] Lv. 100 Garchomp (Silver): mhm
    [10:24:22 AM] Ctark (Ryan xxx): *doesn't have the power to remove him*
    [10:24:31 AM] Lv. 100 Garchomp (Silver): Lv. 100 Garchomp (Silver) has the power to remove himself
    [10:24:37 AM] Lv. 100 Garchomp (Silver): like this


    God dammit, IAF.

  2. Srsly bf4 is ridden with more bugs than ur mum


    play Battlefield Bad Company 2  48 man servers are still up and populated

    Played it back when it came out and enjoyed it. Tried playing it again recently and I just can't get into it.

  3. BTW guys, laser sensor mice always have little mouse acceleration. Some are better than others but they all have it. Optical mice don't and that's why people say they're better. I still prefer my laser mouse though.

    If you have a Logitech mouse, there is a way to disable the mouse's acceleration using their Logetic gaming software. It's pretty nice, since I can also set my DPI ranges.

  4. Wait people actually play first person shooters with acceleration on? O_O.


    Also, if you have a 16:9 resolution, the best mouse speed is 6/11 (I think). I know for sure it's the 6th notch from the left. But at this point, mouse:pixel movement is 1:1. 

    Sensitivity is subjective for me, and I play on 16:10. And of course not everyone will know about accel and the effects of it. Some don't care, either.

  5. What is mouse acceleration?


    Mouse acceleration is something that is default with most computers. What it does is that the faster you move your mouse, the further your cursor will move. In theory, this is a good thing and for things like desktop activity, it's fine! The problem comes down to when you are actually playing video games. With mouse accel on, you can move your mouse the same distance and turn at different rates because of how fast you move your hand.


    How is this a problem?


    With your aim having inconsistencies because of the settings of your computer, you adapt to having to move your hand at different speeds. Coming to aiming, it can throw you off because the distances to turn aren't the same for different speeds.


    Why should I turn it off?


    Turning off mouse acceleration will help improve your aim because it gets rid of inconsistencies. It also builds up muscle memory that however far you move your mouse is however far you will turn your view in game. Don't believe me? I just turned it off today, and while I'm having to work on my aim again, I'm finding it a lot more consistent to aim and to shoot. Yes, I do have to mess with my sensitivity, but that will come up later.


    Here's a brief video explaining everything, why you should turn it off, and how you can do it (I recommend listening to the DPI part as well):



    I hope this helps! It seems to with me.




  6. Back in BF2, the hit detection versus model position was strange... if you watched someone go from prone to standing, you could see their red names appear where they would stand before their model made it to standing on the screen. This meant if you wanted to shoot someone popping up and down, you shoot with their NAMETAG, not their model. Same applies crouching to standing.

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