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Posts posted by SexyBatman

  1. wat

    Everyone knows LoL is better cause it came first. And why the fuck would you have all the heroes unlocked from the start? How am I suppose to gain an advantage over people who don't have their parents' credit card like me?

  2. Sorry to see you go but you know what they say its a doggy dog world. Good friends are a diamond dozen so when life gives you lemons make lemonade. But I think Mr. Miyagi said it best,


  3. Totally worth buying for consoles. It looks kinda bad and runs pretty shitty but I don't want to wait for a pc port that could take months to come out. And the game is worth rebuying on pc when it comes out.

  4. I'm sure it's not entirely allowed to sell crates at ridiculous prices as a way to transfer steam funds.


    At that point, you can really only say that he didn't give you the 300 dollar hat that he can only prove he bought by showing you... a crate.



    Valve isn't Hitler and will understand you got scammed. 9 times out of 10 if you can show evidence you were scammed then they'll try their best to help you.

  5. Still got 3 buds in TF2 too, not sure how to sell those really.

    Sell buds for 21-22 keys. Look on tf2 trading websites like backpack.tf or tf2outpost.com.

    Sell keys on steam marketplace.

    Ez money.


    Thread too fast for me.

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