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Evolution #2

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Scientists know so much about something that had millions of years ago, yet they can't figure out hurricanes happening in the present. Geniuses I tell ya.

Who knew that the differences between completely different areas of science were so big?

Caught me by surprise too.

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Guest Fohacidal
Mabey you should have started with the word "isn't". It is the conjugated form of "Is not". That means dissimilar, or not alike.

My main point was that there are differences.

Maybe, you could spell the word maybe correctly before affirming your status as grammar nazi and poking at imperfections nobody gives a fuck about.

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As for the differences I listed, Im not saying that every black person is an athlete or that every white guy is organized. I know the differences are minor, but I can plainly see that they exist.

Maybe they exist, but they probably don't. But them existing actually doesn't prove your point right at all. To prove your point, you would have to demonstrate the genetic differences between the races and how those differences express to the differences you are claiming.

Of course, the differences could be 1) cultural 2) Confirmation bias on your part

Limiting the choices to black and white athletes, If you took the top 1000 athleres in the world, I would be willing to bet that there would be more black people than white people in that 1000. Mabey 510/490. Hypothetically speaking of course, but this is how minor the difference I was talking about is.

Well 'any difference' doesn't count because there are far more white people than black people. So once controlling for that, if you found a statistical difference (Which i believe exists by the way), then your statement would be correct. However, tying it back to evolution is, again, outside the realm of this kind of analysis. How do you know black people don't choose to go into sports because they see it as a way out of their poverty. (Black people are statistically poorer than whites inside a country and compared between countries) How do you know that blacks don't belong to cultures who value sports over other things?

Organization and planning? On a massive scale, lets call those things "Nations" or "Societies". Using these hypothetical "Nations" or "Societies" lets use a small thing called "The Entire Span of Human History" to judge that by.

To provide some relevant counterexamples to your Eurocentric view of the world: Pyramids and cities were not invented by 'white people'. the Agricultural revolution did not happen by 'white people'. The great wall of China was not built by white people. The top 10 most populous cities in the world never were 'white dominated' throughout history.

Barring that, white people have statistically been in regions that promote linear technological progression (figuring out how to make it hotter in a cold climate is far, far ,far, far, far, far, easier than making it cold in a hot climate - and this is one of the reasons the industrial revolution started in Britain, along with their massive coal reserves of course). I don't think i really need to say anything about how Africa doesn't really support anything but you barely able to survive, so them not keeping up with the rest of the world isn't exactly surprising.

So again, I'm not at all saying there aren't differences between the races. I'm saying there are very small 'genetic' differences. Cultural differences always have, and always will reign supreme in humans.

Scientists know so much about something that had millions of years ago, yet they can't figure out hurricanes happening in the present. Geniuses I tell ya.

Darwin came up with evolution in the mid-late 1800's. Biologists were working on that idea since they realized things didn't spontaneously appear. We have only been able to track hurricanes in a scientific way for about 30 years. The number of confounding variables in hurricane analysis is orders of magnitude higher, and the amount of time is not measured in thousands of years but in days. Your example eeeeeh not so hot

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Maybe, you could spell the word maybe correctly before affirming your status as grammar nazi and poking at imperfections nobody gives a fuck about.

When the grammar you are talking about basically comes down to twisting a message to its opposite because the person reading is apparently only half-literate, then you should give a fuck about it. Basically, you need to stfu if you don't know how to read a sentence.

Don't means "do not" FYI.

I stand corrected! The cultural influence and climate aspects didn't occur to me when I was making out my original post.

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We say we can be close to apes, but if we are. Why don't we see any of them in evolution, changing and becoming humans. If we come from cells, where did those cells come from? Outer space? Human evolution is a very sensitive thing to talk about.

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We say we can be close to apes, but if we are. Why don't we see any of them in evolution, changing and becoming humans. If we come from cells, where did those cells come from? Outer space? Human evolution is a very sensitive thing to talk about.

I sort of took the thread off on a tangent by bringing in human evolution to a thread about evolution in general.

This link can more adequately explain Human-Ape evolution than I can.


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Handle this seriously cause i had something important to say. If you guys are flaming i will get an person to lock it.

So please act mature and dont join flames,don't continue, and stop them.

Anyways onto the evolution thing. Im not saying its wrong but it confuses me. Im also not saying that god created us.

So apparently we evolved from monkey. Is this our last evoluton? being humans? Is there more? I don't think so. Either this is our last stop or evoltion is a nay. 10,000 bc there was human life form maybe even before that. If there is a next step for evolution your telling me its taking over 10,000 years?

We are evolving at the same rate as before. ADHD is an evolution of our species, as is the increase in height. We won't classify ourselves as a new species but we are certainly evolving. It is predicted taht we will lose our sense of smell in 40,000 years, so some changes are coming.

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We say we can be close to apes, but if we are. Why don't we see any of them in evolution, changing and becoming humans. If we come from cells, where did those cells come from? Outer space? Human evolution is a very sensitive thing to talk about.

To your first question, things do not all evolve at once if a specific branch of a species stops eating plants and only eats meat it will get larger brains and eventially get teeth made for meat eating. Cells are made of amino acids which are the building blocks for life and are very common on this planet. Even before life amino acids and other organic material still existed and were all over our oceans, with a strike of lightning or something like that it would put the right charges into the water to form the cell. This is called a biogenesis, the beginning of life on our planet. Human evolution is about as sensitive of a subject as gravity.

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Guest Fohacidal
When the grammar you are talking about basically comes down to twisting a message to its opposite because the person reading is apparently only half-literate, then you should give a fuck about it. Basically, you need to stfu if you don't know how to read a sentence.

Ya whatever, just try not being such a douchebag about shit, I reread his post and still dont know wtf your talking about.

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please didnt come from monkeys

homo sapiens possibly came from Homo rhodesiensis.

which was 600,000 years ago. so to say we came from monkeys is wrong. we are related to monkeys

also we are Homo sapiens sapiens.

we are a sub species of homo sapiens there was another that lived along with us but is now extinct called homo sapeins idaltu

so we have had humans gone extinct. so evolution is always present.

also technology could change us naturally. carbon emmisons will require us to devlope better stronger lungs, of higher UV radiation will cause for thicker darker skin.

who knows

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Scientists know so much about something that had millions of years ago, yet they can't figure out hurricanes happening in the present. Geniuses I tell ya.

who knew that studying and researching things that cant change is the same as predicting the weather which changes all the time..

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please didnt come from monkeys

homo sapiens possibly came from Homo rhodesiensis.

which was 600,000 years ago. so to say we came from monkeys is wrong. we are related to monkeys

also we are Homo sapiens sapiens.

we are a sub species of homo sapiens there was another that lived along with us but is now extinct called homo sapeins idaltu

so we have had humans gone extinct. so evolution is always present.

also technology could change us naturally. carbon emmisons will require us to devlope better stronger lungs, of higher UV radiation will cause for thicker darker skin.

who knows

Not completely true but you have a better understanding than most people.

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Guest Fohacidal

Hey ross correct me if Im wrong but isnt the extinct species your talking about actually extinct because it was wiped out by our own predecessors, which of whom were ironically inferior to the new extinct species?

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Hey ross correct me if Im wrong but isnt the extinct species your talking about actually extinct because it was wiped out by our own predecessors, which of whom were ironically inferior to the new extinct species?

your thinking neanderthals which we wiped out

the ones im talking about lived in indoneasia and were very small and very smart sapiens, they were older than us but survied a little bit with us. i dont know what wiped them out

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Handle this seriously cause i had something important to say. If you guys are flaming i will get an person to lock it.

So please act mature and dont join flames,don't continue, and stop them.

Anyways onto the evolution thing. Im not saying its wrong but it confuses me. Im also not saying that god created us.

So apparently we evolved from monkey. Is this our last evoluton? being humans? Is there more? I don't think so. Either this is our last stop or evoltion is a nay. 10,000 bc there was human life form maybe even before that. If there is a next step for evolution your telling me its taking over 10,000 years?

as they said ^tech.. the next evolution i could see being our minds but since life is so simple and doesn't require us to use it much.. i dont see it happening.. and it took 10,000 years to pick our ass just to do it again.

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We are evolving at the same rate as before. ADHD is an evolution of our species, as is the increase in height. We won't classify ourselves as a new species but we are certainly evolving. It is predicted taht we will lose our sense of smell in 40,000 years, so some changes are coming.

I think you mean mutation....

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Guest Fohacidal
A mutation is the act or process of changing. It is defined as an evolution of our species by science.

We evolved to get ADHD because the key to survival is hyperactivity and not paying attention!

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We evolved to get ADHD because the key to survival is hyperactivity and not paying attention!

Thats not the reason. ADHD enhances some traits linked to human survival, such as IQ, over 75% of geniuses on record have had ADHD. In 40 years 90% of the US will have ADHD.

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Guest Fohacidal
Thats not the reason. ADHD enhances some traits linked to human survival, such as IQ, over 75% of geniuses on record have had ADHD. In 40 years 90% of the US will have ADHD.

Because we obviously have natural predators smarter than us... OMG ALIENS

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Guest Fohacidal
It's those fucking cows Fohacidal. Someday, they'll try and take over, and you'll be glad we are smarter than them because of our ADHD.

Indeed, lets just hope we dont get distracted while fighting off the legions of super smart cows wanting their milk back or w/e

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