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Zeus God

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Guest Mr Clickerson
=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Really?

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Wow, you and most of the community are more blind than I thought.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: GG.

=(UV)= Øpiate [Chairman]: dude it doesn't matter if he made it up

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: That's not what I'm getting at.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: As a matter of fact, I don't even care about that.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: I'm not being serious.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Everyone should be able to see that.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: It's obvious trolling on my part in an attempt to make the forums worth looking at.

=(UV)= Øpiate [Chairman]: idc if you are being serious, you are seriously an asshole and everybody can see that.

=(UV)= Øpiate [Chairman]: orly?

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: YA RLY

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: At this point I could care less if it's Hypercore.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: I'm just trying to make the forums interesting.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: And I honestly don't care if people think I'm an asshole, because I know I'm an asshole.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: That's nothing new.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Believe it or not,

=(UV)= Øpiate [Chairman]: Well it ends now.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Fuck that.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Fuck that Soulja' Boy.

=(UV)= Øpiate [Chairman]: When your suspension is lifted in a week you can either apologize to hypercore and explain yourself or I will move to kick you

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Suspension is lifted?

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: It's already lifted.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: 3 inches.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Wait, WTF?

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: GODDAMNIT.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Seriously.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: I was warned and I already cut it out, you noob.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Wow, that is really fucking cheap, you know that?

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: By the way, I'm not apologizing to Hypercore.

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Noob.

=(UV)= Øpiate [Chairman]: lol I have to give it to you that was a seriously hilarious reaction

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: What?

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: Oh, the suspension lift?

=(UV)= «Z£µ§.:GØû: lol.

He's been flaming way too much again. The shit he said to Hypercore crossed the line and he just continued to carry on and joke about it after this conversation. For anyone not familiar with his past, he has had a pattern of doing this and then coming back apologetic and acting like he has grown up. He has had enough chances, and indicates that he does not intend to comply with my ultimatum requiring an apology to Hypercore. Due to nearly unanimous opinion among the staff that he be kicked immediately, he will now be removed from the clan. Since this won't keep him from flaming he will also be banned from the forums.

Opiate, I figured you knew me better than that. It's obvious I was wrong. I was being sarcastic, as I had already given up in that thread when I messaged you- you suspended me from the forums AFTER I had quit when whoever told me to said so (I believe it was Ultimate or Bios).

Also, how the fuck is this an "again" situation. I have never been kicked from the clan, or any other clan (except for now). The only reason I wasn't in the clan for a short span was because I QUIT due to complications back when Bios first joined the forums along with CC90 and others.

It's about fuckin time. Zeus has always been an arrogant little child who thinks he is always right. Part of being an adult and acting like one is showing others respect and taking responsibility for your own actions. Zeus has NEVER done either of those things. He thinks that he is smarter than all of us. Everyone likes to joke around and have fun, but Zeus goes beyond that. I hate to use the "old" forums cliche by saying he is immature, but that is a fact. I hope you all don't just bash him. I admit even I want to bash him(especially me). But my suggestion to you all is. Instead of calling him names, take a minute to look at how foolish some of his statements are. After you do, I hope you all remember how dumb he sounds.

This is hilarious. I love how you change your views on things at the flip of a switch- you and me had been fine for a very long time between my rejoining of the clan and my recent actions. As a matter of fact, you and me were on a more friendly level, but now that isn't true? That never happened? You act as if I've been doing this the ENTIRE time I've been here, which is FAR from true. Actually, YOU are the one that REFERRED me and asked me to reapply for the clan, because most everyone else wanted it.

Everyone likes to joke around, including me, and with the exception of Hypercore, I NEVER take it too far. This is just ridiculous how your entire viewpoint changes and you ignore the facts just because you're jumping on the bandwagon of hating me.

Zeus had it coming, he has been a thorn in the side of these forums.

Coin, what the fuck are you talking about?

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Guest Mr Clickerson
Can't we keep him from making new accounts.... sheesh.

What, so I can't explain my side of the story?

This is all very fucked up in the sense that you guys are trying to make it look worse than it actually was.

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Since you view it as flaming/trolling I edited it. But seriously most of this is just because leaders team up on him I honestly don't think people hate him this much. Zues I wuv u I hope u get back in =( :schmoll:

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And people say Zeus is bad. This is what starts the flaming. Makes people want to start shit.

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He has gotten SEVERAL warnings, spanning from text warnings, to restricting his post count, to suspensions. I don't know how we could have warned him better. He has gotten more "last chances" than I have fingers on my hand. Don't act like this was out of the blue, anybody could have seen this coming.

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Guest Mr Clickerson
He has gotten SEVERAL warnings, spanning from text warnings, to restricting his post count, to suspensions. I don't know how we could have warned him better. He has gotten more "last chances" than I have fingers on my hand. Don't act like this was out of the blue, anybody could have seen this coming.
Zeus, this is your last warning.

Any more ban evasion, flaming, or any of this shit you've been doing recently I am going to consider kicking you out.

That is when I decided to stop, and had no intentions of continuing afterwards.

I was wrong in thinking that you guys knew me well enough to catch my sarcasm, such as throughout that conversation between me and Opiate and that post where I was calling Bios a loser (a smiley would probably have made it more apparent).

Ultimate, you KNOW as well as I and everyone else that I have not gotten many "last chances", and as I recall, it was only 1 (when Bios allowed me to rejoin the clan). Before that, I had never had a "last chance", as I was cool with damn near everyone, I had power, and I was responsible. Ever since I quit because of difficulties with Bios, CC90, and P2, it's been pretty much an uphill struggle- especially when Bios got power.

Bios, what I don't understand is how we were all buddy buddy and we could joke around and have a good time with each other, and then all of a sudden it boils down to me having always been ignorant and an immature child that you've hated all along. I would like to know how any of that is justified considering your history around here and the fact that, other than this recent situation, I've been good, not causing much of anything. Everything around here is a bandwagon, and like the tides, people jump on different bandwagons. People go from loving me to hating me with pretty much no transition and little reasoning behind it. So what? I've caused some problems with one member (and I apologize to you, Jinn, as my attitude towards you had been irrational), and that means that I'm perma-banned from the forums and kicked from the clan? I'm not going to name any names, but I'm not the only one who was picking on Hypercore, and we all know that some higher ups had a hand in it, themselves.

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You may have not gotten last chances, but the warnings were in abundance.

Zeus, we know when you are kidding, but there is a to quit it out. I assumed the posting restriction would be enough, but then you started joking about raping Hypercore's ex. Even if his story weren't true, there is absolutely no place for that.

There is no need to plead your case here, we are discussing your punishment further in the staff forums, we will make a decision based on what we see here.

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Guest Mr Clickerson
You may have not gotten last chances, but the warnings were in abundance.

Zeus, we know when you are kidding, but there is a to quit it out. I assumed the posting restriction would be enough, but then you started joking about raping Hypercore's ex. Even if his story weren't true, there is absolutely no place for that.

There is no need to plead your case here, we are discussing your punishment further in the staff forums, we will make a decision based on what we see here.

Warnings were an abundance- I realize this, and that was my intention... No matter how it affects me now, I had the intentions of pushing it until enough was enough and then I was going to back off (just to be honest). That post you made was that kick-off where I was going to mellow and just let it be. However, my conversation with Opiate turned out all wrong when he took it in a way I didn't intend it to be taken, and that is still my fault however, as I shouldn't have been so sarcastic.

I also realize that there is no place to joke about rape, and it's a very horrible thing. The whole idea here was to show Hyper what it's like to be constantly attacking others like he had been doing before his own suspension, as well as bring some entertainment and members to the forums, to try and liven it up. If I do recall correctly (and I do), this type of situation is exactly why P2 kept CC90 around for so long was because of the controversy he created- it brought drama to the forums as well as members, and kept them active. I used to be on the side where I would shun such an idea, but now I realize how important it is to keeping these forums active.

You fail to see my reason behind my posting here- it's not to be unbanned or to be let back into the clan, as I could easily care less. Rather, it is to set the record straight and get things clear to those of you who were acting on uninformed judgment and blowing this out of proportion.

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He has gotten more "last chances" than I have fingers on my hand. Don't act like this was out of the blue, anybody could have seen this coming.

That's why we have another hand... and feet...

But seriously, the death knell was probably you outright saying that you had no intention of apologizing. You probably could've gotten away with a half-assed apology that no-one believed and it wouldn't have come down to this. Pretty sure we're passed that point now, but it definitely couldn't hurt your case if you took it upon yourself to apologize. Even if it's just a PM to Hypercore.

Saying sorry to Jinn was a good first step, I will give you that.

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For those who are not up to date (In order of date):




I am gonna have to go with zeus on this stuff, and seeing arguing with the staff ends up in his abrupt disconnection from the conversation. From what a see, several people have posted an open flame in a topic about banning someone for flaming. We wonder why the forum is so poorly active, but when things are this serious on the forums about silly topics where people let out too much information on the internet and end up paying for it it loses it's fun appeal. Zeus is a major forum contributor who I agree is thick headed on issues but acts usually in the interest of getting a lol. From what I see simple acts of sarcasm have been turned into a quoted statement on someones views in the interests of justifying harsh actions. I have seen around 3 different times where that tactic was utilized with this subject. I can honestly say without zeus these forums are gonna suck a whole lot more.

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Guest Mr Clickerson
That's why we have another hand... and feet...

But seriously, the death knell was probably you outright saying that you had no intention of apologizing. You probably could've gotten away with a half-assed apology that no-one believed and it wouldn't have come down to this. Pretty sure we're passed that point now, but it definitely couldn't hurt your case if you took it upon yourself to apologize. Even if it's just a PM to Hypercore.

Saying sorry to Jinn was a good first step, I will give you that.

As I said to P2 over Xfire... I do not respect Hypercore; I do not feel he deserves my respect or my courtesy, so I refuse to apologize to him. I know it would help my case, but I do not just do things to better my situation- I stand by what I believe in.

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If you were posting simply to troll and push peoples buttons, I don't think a permanent ban is nescassary, but will not go unpunished. I know how sarcastic you can be and I don't think you were genuinely being a dickhead, but you just took it a step too far. I simply want to know how the rest of the staff feels about what I had to say in the staff forum before I take any further action.

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Honestly, how did he ever make a positive contribution to the forum? To the clan in general? How is the forum better with an immature flamer like that? He was good for a little while, then intentionally started stirring shit up again. I told him to stop, he told me he wouldn't, so I suspended him. I told him he needed to apologize to Hypercore or I would move to kick him and he told me he wouldn't. I did not even make the move to kick him that I threatened. The other members of staff were in near unanimous support of removing him before I even brought it up. I decided to take his word for it and remove him.

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Anyone who believes that flaming makes the forum more interesting has never experienced one without it.

Also, thank you for the apology- but I also, try to stand by my original decisions, and because of your behavior, feel you should go. This is not a one time thing. If you are allowed to stay, it WILL happen again. And no matter what, we won't be able to stop you without a good amount of effort. But I think its worth it to keep the forums clean, because at the moment, this isn't really a clan. Its not a tight knit single unit working together. Its a group of people who get together and bitch and moan at various things, and that's pathetic.

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