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CSS New Weapon

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Guest ShadySTDs

I want a banana phone gun when you get shot by it all you hear is the banana phone song kind of like when ever you get hit by a fire grenade in surf all you continue to hear is the fire! I would love that!

but on a serious note I would like to see the M-16 have the 40mm grenade launcher attached to it.

or a over/under rifle/shotgun kind of like a scout with a shotgun on the bottom (THAT WOULD BE BAD ASS!!!)

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Anything for the melee/throwing section. Tazer, pepper spray, machete, night stick, katana, light saber, throwing knives, throwing stars, throwing axes, axes, hammer, sledge hammer, fire axe, crow bar, fists, baseball bat, pan, shit like that. And it needs to be lying around randomly on the map or purchasable lol.


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Why not just put C4 into the game? Shitload more explosions... Also would be great for zombie mod.

It already is? Well I guess that's actually part of the de maps.

A remote detonator would be nice though. Go ahead, bitch. . . defuse. . .

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To the above 'Grenade Launcher' suggestion on a rifle. I played a WCS server a while back(we're talking 6-8 months now, i've lost the IP) that had a mod like that, it had this thing where you bind a key to 'attack+3' or somthing like that, and when you pressed that key you would use up your grenade, it could fire like, the whole distance of A Long on D2 easily, and was fairly accurate, exploding on target. It worked for AK, M4 and MP5 if i remember rightly, i've never found the server back, and i think it was a custom script, but it totally kick ass

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It already is? Well I guess that's actually part of the de maps.

A remote detonator would be nice though. Go ahead, bitch. . . defuse. . .

Done it and the grenade launcher as well.


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44 magnum ftw. Also, a fire grenade of some sort would be nice, like napalm. Along with the para there needs to be a Vulcan O.O Stationary gun you deploy to use, lol.


EDIT: More silenced options would be nice as well.

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44 magnum ftw. Also, a fire grenade of some sort would be nice, like napalm. Along with the para there needs to be a Vulcan O.O Stationary gun you deploy to use, lol.


EDIT: More silenced options would be nice as well.

Also silenced weapons that are actually silenced. I know a silence does not get rid of sound all together, but i can still here the M4, TMP and USP half way across the map even when silenced.

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Some sort of planted devise, like trip mines or C4 with detonator.

THat would be cool, but it would be so noobed by the terroists planting it next to/at the bomb.

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Guest starscream

Cally in arty like in Battlefield 2

also, like a microwave gun or plasma gun, like in duke nukem/quake, where you have to keep the cursor on them longer and longer to do more dmg which would provide a different skillset instead of just aim+click

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