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mccains VP pick

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I don't like either of them to be honest, I just think Obama isn't all he says he is.

The problem is, this has become much more than Obama McCain. Go look at the data being churned out by the actuaries-- McCain has a 1 in 3 chance of dying before the end of his first term-- then you have to worry about Palin becoming President. Obama may not have much experience, but seriously, Sarah Palin? You want someone that's not all that they say they are, look no further than her.

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I'm gonna put my thoughts on why people like Obama out there.

Hype. Yes, hype. I can use the words "Hope" and "Change" too, but it doesn't mean shit, actions speak louder than words. And I would have to go with experience, which Obama does not have alot of. Look at it this way, who would a company rather hire?

To be honest, I don't like either, I was pulling for Mitt Romney, then if he didn't, John Edwards.

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This is a great axiom to live by, if you don't feel like critically thinking at all. McCain has lied so many more times than Obama about major things, that it isn't even actually comparable at all. Also, you can pretty easily tell what is going to get done and what isn't. Anyone who thought same sex marriage would actually be an issue after 2004 was silly, there wasn't the political will or backing to get anything done. It was simply done to rile up the base. This time around, the major issues are the economy, the iraq war, healthcare, and the 3 supreme court nominees. This time, abortion actually is an issue that can be decided by this election(In that, 3 liberal votes are likely to retire in the next 4-8 years. If a conservative is in, roe vs wade could be overturned.) The Iraq war is an obvious issue that something will be done about. Healthcare is another big issue that could actually not be handled properly, but something will be done. The economy will also be far different under Obama than under McCain, much so for the better.

Who said anything about same sex marriages would be part of this? I know I haven't, but okay. But how does mentioning all the things dependent to win the presidency go with what I said?

Okay, they both have lied, that's not what I'm trying to get at. I'm saying that I just don't think Obama is right for the job.

The problem is, this has become much more than Obama McCain. Go look at the data being churned out by the actuaries-- McCain has a 1 in 3 chance of dying before the end of his first term-- then you have to worry about Palin becoming President. Obama may not have much experience, but seriously, Sarah Palin? You want someone that's not all that they say they are, look no further than her.

Well, I'd have to say Palin is a horrid choice, I still don't think Obama is worth the 1/3 chance of dieing.

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Guest Fohacidal

If your voting for Obama because some doctors are giving McCain a probability on whether or not he will die your pretty stupid...

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Guest Fohacidal
We'll see who's stupid when she's running the country.

Its most highly unlikely that McCain will just out of coincidence die sometime in the next 4 years, sure he is old but its not like he is 80 something now...

If he does die, well... fuck me D:

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Who said anything about same sex marriages would be part of this? I know I haven't, but okay. But how does mentioning all the things dependent to win the presidency go with what I said?

Its a recent example to show you how you can tell who is lying about something (as a campaign promise, privatized social security is another example I could have used, same sex marriage just got a lot more coverage so I figure I Would use it.)

Energy security = no lie because there is the political will and the political ability

Privatized social security = lie because there is no political will and no political ability

Okay, they both have lied, that's not what I'm trying to get at. I'm saying that I just don't think Obama is right for the job.

Well, I'd have to say Palin is a horrid choice, I still don't think Obama is worth the 1/3 chance of dieing.

That's the point though, you aren't saying why you don't think Obama is right for the job.

If he does die, well... fuck me D:

Yea at least Obama/Biden won't be running the country right? :oneeyed01:

Hype. Yes, hype. I can use the words "Hope" and "Change" too, but it doesn't mean shit, actions speak louder than words. And I would have to go with experience, which Obama does not have alot of. Look at it this way, who would a company rather hire?

Who would a company rather higher? Let's find out!


Graduated from Columbia with a degree in political science focusing on international relations

Worked 4 years helping a company consult how companies should operate abroad

Went back to Chicago and became a community organizer. He was director for 3 years and his accomplishments included: helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization

Went to Harvard law and became the first black editor of the Harvard law review (the most prestigious law review in the country) based on grades and written suybmissions. He graduated magna cum laude.

Wrote his first book on race relations

Worked on a voter registration drive

Taught constitutional law for 12 years at a top 5 law school (you can view his old tests online)

Was an associate for 3 years at a law firm that specialized in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development

Founded and is chairman of various associations and clubs

Was a state congressmen for 6 years where he was chairman of a committee and authored numerous pieces of legislation such as monitoring racial profiling (Which was kept to a simple notation on a ticket, not exactly overbearing oversight), video cameras in interrogation rooms (Oh god, the police can't beat confessions out of poor black people anymore), and after curtailing the police what did they have to say about him in his 2004 senate run? "During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, police representatives credited Obama for his active engagement with police organizations in enacting death penalty reforms" Gee, looks like he can regulate entities and they don't mind it!

He gave the key note address at the 2004 democratic convention

He served 3 years as a Senator. He again authored numerous pieces of legislation (Most senators do not author and get passed a piece of legislation in their first, or even second term as senator): co-sponsored the McCain immigration proposal, co-authored and got passed the Obama-Coburn government transparancy act, and the Obama-Lugar conventional arms bill which greatly limited terrorists getting shoulder-fired missiles, landmines, and other such 1950's soviet style equipment. Then, as a Junior senator he passed a major ethics reform called "Honest Leadership and Open Government Act" which limits the influence of lobbyists and corporate money. He also sponsored many other issues that I did not include here

John McCain:

Graduated 894th out of 899 from the US Naval Academy, got in mostly because his father was an admiral.

Almost died on a ship fire, and was shot down over North Vietnam and was a POW for about 6 years.

Served as Navy Liason to the Senate.

Cheated on his first wife who was in a car accident (but waited for him while he was POW) and eventually divorced her, marrying the person he was having an affair with (Cindy, his current wife) He also retired from the Navy in 1981 with 17 medals.

He became public relations VP at Cindy's father beer distributor and that earned him the respect of many Arizona business owners. He eventually decided to run for congress in Arizona (Now possible with his marriage to Cindy, whose father was also a major power broker in Arizona)

Championed Indian gambling rights while in congress but didn't really do too much (I couldn't find any bills authored or sponsored by him). Quit the house and went to the senate

In the senate in the 80's he Got into a Keating 5 scandal in the savings and loan crisis but was eventually found to have done nothing wrong (But was rebuked for showing poor judgment, which if you read about the entire scandal is quite an understatement). Other than that he again didn't really author anything of too much note up until his 2000 McCain-Feingold law.

delivered a very well received speech in 1988 at the RNC convention, and was named as a possible VP for Bush Sr and Bob Dole in '96

In recent years (The past 6 or so) He has voted against his pre-2001 positions almost consistently. In fact, I can't find many positions at all that he supported in 2000 that he now supports. So although he was a maverick for a while (And I supported him in 2000) he has completely turned against his ways in recent years. This includes going from calling the evangelicals who were taking over the republican party in the 90's 'agents of intolerance' and then going and giving a commencement address at Bob Jones University (A leading Christian college, which is not accredited), breaking his own law McCain-Feingold, and many other issues. {too lazy; didn't read - McCain rebuked the neoconservative branch of republicanism in the 90's in favor of Goldwater-republicanism, and now embraced neoconservatism in 2008 in order to win the election)

So now, who would you hire? :)

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Its a recent example to show you how you can tell who is lying about something (as a campaign promise, privatized social security is another example I could have used, same sex marriage just got a lot more coverage so I figure I Would use it.)

Energy security = no lie because there is the political will and the political ability

Privatized social security = lie because there is no political will and no political ability

That's the point though, you aren't saying why you don't think Obama is right for the job.

Yea at least Obama/Biden won't be running the country right? :oneeyed01:

Who would a company rather higher? Let's find out!


Graduated from Columbia with a degree in political science focusing on international relations

Worked 4 years helping a company consult how companies should operate abroad

Went back to Chicago and became a community organizer. He was director for 3 years and his accomplishments included: helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization

Went to Harvard law and became the first black editor of the Harvard law review (the most prestigious law review in the country) based on grades and written suybmissions. He graduated magna cum laude.

Wrote his first book on race relations

Worked on a voter registration drive

Taught constitutional law for 12 years at a top 5 law school (you can view his old tests online)

Was an associate for 3 years at a law firm that specialized in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development

Founded and is chairman of various associations and clubs

Was a state congressmen for 6 years where he was chairman of a committee and authored numerous pieces of legislation such as monitoring racial profiling (Which was kept to a simple notation on a ticket, not exactly overbearing oversight), video cameras in interrogation rooms (Oh god, the police can't beat confessions out of poor black people anymore), and after curtailing the police what did they have to say about him in his 2004 senate run? "During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, police representatives credited Obama for his active engagement with police organizations in enacting death penalty reforms" Gee, looks like he can regulate entities and they don't mind it!

He gave the key note address at the 2004 democratic convention

He served 3 years as a Senator. He again authored numerous pieces of legislation (Most senators do not author and get passed a piece of legislation in their first, or even second term as senator): co-sponsored the McCain immigration proposal, co-authored and got passed the Obama-Coburn government transparancy act, and the Obama-Lugar conventional arms bill which greatly limited terrorists getting shoulder-fired missiles, landmines, and other such 1950's soviet style equipment. Then, as a Junior senator he passed a major ethics reform called "Honest Leadership and Open Government Act" which limits the influence of lobbyists and corporate money. He also sponsored many other issues that I did not include here

John McCain:

Graduated 894th out of 899 from the US Naval Academy, got in mostly because his father was an admiral.

Almost died on a ship fire, and was shot down over North Vietnam and was a POW for about 6 years.

Served as Navy Liason to the Senate.

Cheated on his first wife who was in a car accident (but waited for him while he was POW) and eventually divorced her, marrying the person he was having an affair with (Cindy, his current wife) He also retired from the Navy in 1981 with 17 medals.

He became public relations VP at Cindy's father beer distributor and that earned him the respect of many Arizona business owners. He eventually decided to run for congress in Arizona (Now possible with his marriage to Cindy, whose father was also a major power broker in Arizona)

Championed Indian gambling rights while in congress but didn't really do too much (I couldn't find any bills authored or sponsored by him). Quit the house and went to the senate

In the senate in the 80's he Got into a Keating 5 scandal in the savings and loan crisis but was eventually found to have done nothing wrong (But was rebuked for showing poor judgment, which if you read about the entire scandal is quite an understatement). Other than that he again didn't really author anything of too much note up until his 2000 McCain-Feingold law.

delivered a very well received speech in 1988 at the RNC convention, and was named as a possible VP for Bush Sr and Bob Dole in '96

In recent years (The past 6 or so) He has voted against his pre-2001 positions almost consistently. In fact, I can't find many positions at all that he supported in 2000 that he now supports. So although he was a maverick for a while (And I supported him in 2000) he has completely turned against his ways in recent years. This includes going from calling the evangelicals who were taking over the republican party in the 90's 'agents of intolerance' and then going and giving a commencement address at Bob Jones University (A leading Christian college, which is not accredited), breaking his own law McCain-Feingold, and many other issues. {too lazy; didn't read - McCain rebuked the neoconservative branch of republicanism in the 90's in favor of Goldwater-republicanism, and now embraced neoconservatism in 2008 in order to win the election)

So now, who would you hire? :)

I can put lipstick on a pig too!

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I can put lipstick on a pig too!

Feel free to add anything you like about Obama and McCain. Of course, you won't because I've included everything major in their respective careers and family life. (Well maybe you could but I'm fairly certain I got everything)

What, would you like me to add that McCain's first wife was actually disfigured from a car crash and that was one of the reasons McCain left her? Because I could have. You will also notice I left second-degree connections out from McCain and Obama, I could have included the ayers/reverend wright stuff on Obama but that would open the door to McCain's pastors and his lobbyist run campaign. I did not. So again, anything major to add to that list or would you like to just admit your wrong and Obama actually has the better resume? (Which is implied by your comment, I can put a lipstick on a pig too!, when in actuality I just described reality :( )

edit : Except you are kind of right on one thing. McCain did run for president in 2000 which I think I mentioned only in regards to campaign finance, or switching stances or something. He was a great candidate that should have won (And who I would have supported in 2000 by the way) but instead Bush got in vs Gore. Too bad McCain doesn't have the same positions anymore :(

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