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Well I have two race ideas, but I can´t think of enough skills for them.

So I want to hear what you guys think.


Arm the Troops

- Gıve your whole team everything they need.

T: AK + C4 + Armor

CT: M4 + Defuser + Nades + Armor

Commandıng Aura

- All nearby troops runs x tımes theır normal speed

Specıalızed clıps

- All troops spawn wıth 30 extra bullets ın theır clıps

I need 3 or 5 more skılls for thıs one



- When you kılls an enemy you steal theır clothes, weapons, remove the body and walk around lıke hım.


- Leave a ımage of urself and turn ınvısıble. Doıng thıs wıll gıve you a chance to get away from the enemy


- If you knıfe an enemy ın the back, they ınstantly dıe. (Includıng zombıes)

2 more skılls for thıs one.

Sorry about the 'ı' ınstead of 'i'.

The keys on thıs keyboard ıs fucked up

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