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King ET

Negev and R8 added back to comp?

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2017.04.12 - 

For a limited time, the R8 Revolver and Negev are enabled in Competitive Matchmaking in order to evaluate their impact.

Over the past few weeks we’ve watched players use the newly adjusted weapons in the casual game modes, and the next step is to try them out in a competitive environment. We expect that the Negev will be a situational weapon that will require experimentation on the part of teams to be effective, so as a starting point its price has been lowered significantly.

Give them a shot and tell us what you think!



Valve is so hot and cold on this... Are we going to have it or not should i learn spray patterns till 3 in the morning or should i stick with my ak this is going to make me an alcoholic if they don't chill the fuck out. lord gaben why has thou forsaken us and then unforsaken us then forsake us again. I just cant understand it. i can see them being removed again soon.

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The new negev's great for holding an angle and has a low skill ceiling for players actually maintaining that hold, which is great for silvers like me. Strategical toplevel play might revolve around a 2nd teammate peeking behind the negev user and doming people as they're either sitting behind the spraydown or backing out of a rush. Running into the negev spray is usually fatal but I've also seen and gotten a few quick insta-dinks on people by doing so, so it's a new risk/reward situation. Overall I like the update and can see where Valve was going with the $2000, as noone would seriously consider paying $3000 for it over an m4 in a competitive/tournament game. 5 Negevs is probably going to make the team lose tho.

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21 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

The new negev's great for holding an angle and has a low skill ceiling for players actually maintaining that hold, which is great for silvers like me. Strategical toplevel play might revolve around a 2nd teammate peeking behind the negev user and doming people as they're either sitting behind the spraydown or backing out of a rush. Running into the negev spray is usually fatal but I've also seen and gotten a few quick insta-dinks on people by doing so, so it's a new risk/reward situation. Overall I like the update and can see where Valve was going with the $2000, as noone would seriously consider paying $3000 for it over an m4 in a competitive/tournament game. 5 Negevs is probably going to make the team lose tho.

Didn't think about it that way. If i could execute that strategy i would but every match I've gotten in so far my team couldn't coordinate to change a light bulb while the other team is using a better strategy than what was executed when Europe almost belonged to Germany in WW2.

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