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Collin Kaepernick's decision

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I also find it amusing that there wasn't a single black person in that video that burned his jersey lol

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2 minutes ago, Travesty said:

I also find it amusing that there wasn't a single black person in that video that burned his jersey lol

Honestly didn't even notice, but that's a funny observation. The first video that popped up on YouTube lol. I just think it's a respect thing for a lot of people. They could have been in the military or had a friend/family member serve and maybe even lost one of them in the military. 

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18 minutes ago, Savage Princess Little One said:

black people die in mass for a country that hates them. people who die in war and people who die by cops in the street, not different.


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9 minutes ago, ples said:

Honestly didn't even notice, but that's a funny observation. The first video that popped up on YouTube lol. I just think it's a respect thing for a lot of people. They could have been in the military or had a friend/family member serve and maybe even lost one of them in the military. 


It could definitely be and would be easy to get emotional and to make a quick decision to burn his jersey. But then what does burning his jersey say, with what Kaepernick sat for, to the families of innocent people that have fallen to police brutality? Honestly if you stand for the flag then you also stand for his liberty and rights that he can afford as a citizen of the United States of America.



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1 minute ago, Travesty said:


It could definitely be and would be easy to get emotional and to make a quick decision to burn his jersey. But then what does burning his jersey say, with what Kaepernick sat for, to the families of innocent people that have fallen to police brutality? Honestly if you stand for the flag then you also stand for his liberty and rights that he can afford as a citizen of the United States of America.



Also true, he does have the right. It just has the repercussions of him getting a lot of hate/love. Really interesting topic tbh.

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2 minutes ago, ples said:

Also true, he does have the right. It just has the repercussions of him getting a lot of hate/love. Really interesting topic tbh.


It's interesting that he says he will sit/kneel in protest until he feels like "[the American flag] represents what it’s supposed to represent."


Change takes a long time to happen. He's gonna be down during the anthem for a while.

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1 minute ago, Travesty said:


It's interesting that he says he will sit/kneel in protest until he feels like "[the American flag] represents what it’s supposed to represent."

I feel like with the position he is in, he could have done a lot of others things to help the issue too. I mean he did get a huge uproar which brought the subject more attention, but maybe not the right kind of attention to the topic that he was wanting. So much more negativity with the way he went about it but maybe it was the right decision. Tough to say.

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Meanwhile in other news,


The Dakotas and the Oil Pipeline fiasco is infringing on Native American lands.


George Soros' Emails were hacked showing that he wants to have a federal police force. (Also one of the largest donators to Shilary)


Hillary Deleting 30 emails pertaining to Benghazi and destroyed the blackberries with hammers in the state department


A drug that some say helps with opiate withdrawal is being banned in some states

https://www.google.com/#q=kratom+opioid+withdrawal https://www.google.com/#q=kratom+ban

Cancer stuff



But lets talk about a dude not standing for the anthem. While I believe in "Patriotism" or whatever you want to call it nowadays I think there are more pertinent issues going around instead of trying to fear monger like the mass media always does.


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3 minutes ago, Howard Dean said:

Meanwhile in other news,


The Dakotas and the Oil Pipeline fiasco is infringing on Native American lands.


George Soros' Emails were hacked showing that he wants to have a federal police force. (Also one of the largest donators to Shilary)


Hillary Deleting 30 emails pertaining to Benghazi and destroyed the blackberries with hammers in the state department


A drug that some say helps with opiate withdrawal is being banned in some states

https://www.google.com/#q=kratom+opioid+withdrawal https://www.google.com/#q=kratom+ban

Cancer stuff



But lets talk about a dude not standing for the anthem. While I believe in "Patriotism" or whatever you want to call it nowadays I think there are more pertinent issues going around instead of trying to fear monger like the mass media always does.


thanks, this is very important stuff too. solidarity with the people helping fight the pipeline in nd.

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We got a little off topic.


He has every right to not stand. I don't agree with why he didn't stand, but hey, at least he isn't rioting. Props to that

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I don't agree with not standing, but he has the right to and that is what every soldier has fought for, his and our freedom.


So honestly I'm tired of hearing about this because its not a huge deal, he's a football player. 


If naked midget bowling was the most popular sport in America, if one of the players or one of the midgets did the same thing by not standing for the national anthem, it would make headlines too. 



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Maybe cops wouldnt be so damn scared if people wouldnt go around shooting eachother 

13,000 people were killed in 2015 by a gun

1200 of those were by cops and breaking that down to a lot less considering some people were breaking laws to warrant a shooting.

So if you say theres not a fucking problem about 11,800 people dying to gun violence in america but the cops need to "not shoot" how about you go be a cop you stand in their shoes. 

That being said theres always going to be a bad apple in a good batch, yes corruption exist but being an officer is scary. Even in my town a small town of 80k one of my best friends dad was shot over a suspected vehicle call in.

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What a stupid fucking thing to post. There are more white people than black people, so of course they get shot more. Proportionately black people get killed more than they should based of the population ratio.

The stat you should be bringing up you shitty recruit is black people are more likely to commit violent crimes(Bureau of Criminal statistics(I think)), which one can draw a conclusion from that they will be more likely to be involved in a shooting as a direct result. But again, this is off topic.

Bring better shit to the table next time before you post one sided ignorant fluff articles.

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Show me a single case where a police officer shot a black person who wasn't presenting a danger to the cop where the cop had "little to no repercussions" Same goes for a white person. 


Scratch that. Apparently he recently got charged and will face manslaughter charges. Sweet.

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Reminds me of when NBA player Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf refused to stand during the national anthem back in the 90's because it interfered with his Muslim practices. Refusal to stand is your right, whether for religious freedom or in protest. 

19 hours ago, Yunki said:

We got a little off topic.


He has every right to not stand. I don't agree with why he didn't stand, but hey, at least he isn't rioting. Props to that


Pretty much. Although its kinda sad to see people boasting about american freedom and yet complain about Kaepernick exercising his freedom in the same breath. 

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