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My quit, good bye breeze

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As it has been long awaited I breeze am stepping away from sG for what is going to be a long time (6months/year). As I am continuing my way through life and general bullshitery it throws at me I feel it is not important for me to play JB or CS:GO in general. Syndicate gamers has helped me through very times being some of the only fun thing I could look forward to during my stages of depression where i was close to taking my own life. Syndicate Gamers community may have not all been that nice to me but still it really helped formed me and who I am these past years. I came to sg a few years ago as a nobody lurked then took a break because of depression issue. And here I am now, perma ctd -300 something rep on forums and who knows what else. All admins have no respect for me which I comepletely agree with and I would literally want to murder myself if I was in one of their positions. I just would like to thank everyone to contributing this and making my life a lot better in all these  hard times. Even though I am one frequent user of the admin chat does not mean it will carry into the real world. Also considering I am going into high school which will be very challenging I need to focus mainly on that and will not have the time or effort to play jb/CS:GO. Last thing I got to say is, Breeze out.


Special Thanks to

-Thorgot (God like maps)

-Yunki (Slapping me straight)

-Slyfox ("for saying this is why bullying is in the school curriculum")

-Darklightning (King of minigames and genuine guy)

-Beerman (Chill dude tbh)

-Last but not least vege (No one is safe)


leave messages in the comments mean or nice



*fades into mist*

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