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Dr Pepper

biggest mass shooting in US history

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At most, it's the largest US mass shooting since Wounded Knee, but each generation gets more and more forgetful about our actual history with the watered down textbooks we have now after PC agendas get a hold on them.

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This guy was a joke. Still used MySpace. Jumped from dead end job to dead end job. Closeted homosexual. Wife beater. And worst of all he didn't even have a firm understanding of the religion he was a part of. He tried to claim to be part of isil, l-Qaeda and Hezbollah. 3 groups that are enemies of each other. His dad has no clue where the motive for the attacks came drop other than homophobia. Dad hosts a show regarding Afghanistan where he believes himself to be part of a rebel force that doesn't exist.

Dude was fucked in the head and I'm starting to doubt exactly how much radical Islam played a role so much as he was crazy and unstable to begin with.

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5 minutes ago, Beerman said:

This guy was a joke. Still used MySpace. Jump from dead end job to dead end job. Closeted homosexual. Wife beater. And worst of all he didn't even have a firm understanding of the religion he was a part of. He tried to claim to be part of isil, l-Qaeda and Hezbollah. 3 groups that are enemies of each other. His dad has no clue where it came from and hosts a show regarding Afghanistan where he believes himself to be part of a rebel force that doesn't exist.

Dude was fucked in the head and I'm starting to doubt exactly how much radical Islam played a role so much as he was crazy and unstable to begin with.


Sources? Also I like how you started off with MySpace lol

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For which ones? I've been all over the Internet. NPR, wash post, Fox news, and various sites linked by reddit.

The best one is about him potentially being a closeted homosexual. He had and was active on two gay dating apps. Something called jacked or something and was apparently seen in that club for months at a time drinking in the corner or getting belligerently drunk.

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24 minutes ago, Beerman said:

For which ones? I've been all over the Internet. NPR, wash post, Fox news, and various sites linked by reddit.

The best one is about him potentially being a closeted homosexual. He had and was active on two gay dating apps. Something called jacked or something and was apparently seen in that club for months at a time drinking in the corner or getting belligerently drunk.


Just to correct you after reading up on it, he worked as a security guard for close to 10 years as well. His wife said, he “did follow religion, he did practice and he had his faith” but showed “no sign” of radicalism while she was with him (they divorced in 2009). His father apparently didn't approve of him being gay either, which I'm sure didn't help his own mental health. It has also emerged that his father, Seddique Mateen, has a television show on a California-based channel that expresses anti-Pakistani government views and sympathy for the Afghan Taliban.


Again lets not forget, it's not about one or the other. It's about a whole host of issues as I stated earlier:

"It should be reiterated that the Orlando massacre can be about Islamism, access to guns, homophobia and mental illness, all at the same time."


And after reading into his past, it seems that statement holds true.



For someone so mentally unstable, it's crazy how he could just go buy a semi-automatic rifle.

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And supporting the taliban as a former political group isn't bad in his mind. Again his dad is a Wacko too who believes himself to be the leader of a fictional rebel group against Pakistan. There was a commenter in a reddit thread who added context to why somebody from his Era would support the taliban.

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6 minutes ago, Beerman said:

And supporting the taliban as a former political group isn't bad in his mind. Again his dad is a Wacko too who believes himself to be the leader of a fictional rebel group against Pakistan. There was a commenter in a reddit thread who added context to why somebody from his Era would support the taliban.


Reddit is so very hard to sift through. If you have that whole thread, that would be great.

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/profile/14587-travesty/" rel="">@Travesty

"I speak Dari (the Afghan dialect of Farsi), and have listened to the video clips where the man is speaking. He's ethnically Pashtun, and a nationalist. His politics seem to be all over the place but there are some recurring themes: He believes Pakistan, through its proxy the ISI, is interfering in the domestic politics of Afghanistan. This is a prevailing view point among Afghans of all ethnic groups and political persuasions.

He condemns ISIS several times in the videos. He sees them as a foreign entity set to destroy the will and aspirations of the Afghan people and thinks it may be a Pakistani plot.

He condemns both Ashraf Ghani and Dr. Abdullah, both of whom were the Presidential candidates in the last election, as being corrupt, incompetent and not serving the interests of the Afghan people. Again, these are views that are shared by large swaths of the Afghan people.

In the section where he states his 'support' for the Taliban, he sees them as fellow Pashtun nationalists waging a war of freedom against occupation and seems to downplay the religious angle. I'm not trying to brush it away, I'm simply trying to put it in its proper context.

Many Afghans see the Taliban as "children" of the land who are simply being used as pawns by outside forces. I don't fully agree (the ISI part is true), as I think it denies agency, but this is a point of view among some even secular Afghans.

edit: Thanks for the gold, stranger. I also want to point out that I do not in any way condone sympathy for the Taliban who are brutal, inhumane and without mercy. I also think this guy is a bit of a nut job but he's someone who seems to share the view points of a large number of Pashtun Afghans."

Only reason I post this is because I keep hearing rhetoric that the killer MUST have learned all this from his anti-american father. NPR session regarding the same issue: http://www.npr.org/2016/06/13/481914374/father-of-orlando-gunman-saddened-by-nightclub-massacre

Also I dislike how people are twisting the man's words when he said only God can be the ones to punish homosexuals as if he meant to say they had it coming. This whole event is a shitstorm.

Also here's the Yahoo! article that takes citings from various publications, including the Orlando Sentinel, about Omar Mateen's queer habits.



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