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New soccer ball plugin to add?

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Looks nice Only thing is is you have to center the ball but that's something small and who cares looks nice how it has a bouncy effect

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it seems kinda weird. like you can't knife it? just pick it up? why would you pickup a soccer ball? it basically acts like a basketball with those bounces, and the picking up.

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looks good but we'd probably want to edit it a little lol seems too easy to throw it across the map (ie. a soccer goal)


// *** 
// only modify if you know what you're doing
#define BALL_ENTITY_NAME "simpleball"
#define BALL_CFG_FILE "configs/ballspawns.cfg"
#define BALL_KICK_POWER 600.0
#define BALL_RADIUS 16.0
#define BALL_AUTO_RESPAWN 35.0
// thanks.
// ***

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Seems like a good command for admins to use, one thing, does adding a ball twice put in another ball? If so that could lag out the server is someone added too many.


9 hours ago, Revöker said:


it seems kinda weird. like you can't knife it? just pick it up? why would you pickup a soccer ball? it basically acts like a basketball with those bounces, and the picking up.



I believe you can knife it and have it move as if it were kicked, also I believe that you can only pick up the ball with the use key. If this feature was removed, it could be better, as picking up the ball in the middle of the game would be pointless.

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I actually know of the person who made this plugin, its implemented on another jb server i play on.

Heres my weigh in on it.


The point of the ball is to give an old 1.6 soccer feel to it (also that map in the video is a remake of jb_snow, a very popular 1.6 map, for those who were wondering). From my understanding of the plugin, youre able to change the code to which instead of stabbing a fellow t to get the ball you can just press your use key on it. I can ask the mapper of jb_snow who knows the coder for this plugin whether or not you can change the plugin to be able to knife or shoot the ball (although im pretty sure you can). If youre wondering how you can reset the ball, the server that i play that uses this plugin has anyone on ct side just use /reset. 


My suggestion, implement it, its a lot easier than the lame soccerballs seen on most maps. 


ps sorry if this revives an old thread i was just looking for the jb suggestions thread

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