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Overwatch (Because new)

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So, I know Overwatch was just recently released and there has been quite the cult following now for it, buuuuuuuuut I don't find appeal to it. I feel like it's just going to get washed away like every other huge game. Please tell me what the appeal is because I have quite a few friends who are practically begging me to buy and play, but I don't have many reasons to other than just play with them.

Thoughts ples.

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I've heard something go around. It goes something like " Overwatch is like TF2 with waifus". 


Well, I played the beta and I really liked it. Sometime over the summer I plan on buying it. 

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its the new age tf2. Doesn't appeal to me right now, but I wouldn't call it a bad game. I think the ultimate mechanic is um.... questionable in how it may have too much effect on the game taking away from the skill of the player, but again it is new and interesting.

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3 minutes ago, allensuperbaby said:

I think overwatch sounds and looks likes a great game, yet i believe that putting it at 40 dollars seems like over the top. This is due to the reason that some of the game mechnanics seem to have been copied from other previously existed games. 

Yea, because no game before overwatch has ever been inspired by other games features

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Yes i see the sarcasm there, but some of the games that your thinking about, wasnt as hyped of for as overwatch. I just think that overwatch was way over hyped.

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36 minutes ago, allensuperbaby said:

Yes i see the sarcasm there, but some of the games that your thinking about, wasnt as hyped of for as overwatch. I just think that overwatch was way over hyped.


But it wasn't really hyped at all? Even if you could justify it being 'over-hyped', people had been playing the beta for a few months before it came out.


I bought the game myself and I can safely say that the $40 price range, at the moment, is just about right for the amount they put into it.

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