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I need opinions/constructive criticism

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Im currently making a 1v1 map which is in production at the moment 

i finished the map that was how it looked like in my perspective 

however i feel the map dosen't have enough effort put into 

please leave a comment if you have a suggestion to make the map better 

such as better lighting,better textures, removal ,etc

here are 2 perspective of the map one is in game and one is how it looks like in SDK




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holy shit I only saw the title when I logged onto the forums and I thought this was one of those fresh start threads that have been spreading around lately lol.

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I would add stairs or some sort of platform so you can peek on top of the walls where the person is spawned at.

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17 minutes ago, Yunki said:

I would add stairs or some sort of platform so you can peek on top of the walls where the person is spawned at.

I would have to extend the map length , height and width 

but it sounds like a great idea to add to the map 

thanks for your suggestion :) 

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Honestly looks like a map I could have made in 3 minutes of opening hammer. Lighting is just thrown in, no real texturing, and bare-bones map format. Work on adding more to the play-style of the map such as boxes and other angles. Re-texture some of your objects such as the floor and side walls. Create a better lighting setup whether it be dynamic lighting or a light. Space them effectively and evenly or it just looks half assed. There isn't much to the map other than 5 rectangles and 1 hollowed out. Add some more geometry to the map. Look into adding some sort of style to the map aswell. It's a good idea to come up with some kind of theme or style for the map so you can kind-of work around it and build on the idea. If you feel there are not many textures to work with your idea, try looking into some custom textures and models that can spice up your map.

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1 minute ago, Tristan. said:

Honestly looks like a map I could have made in 3 minutes of opening hammer. Lighting is just thrown in, no real texturing, and bare-bones map format. Work on adding more to the play-style of the map such as boxes and other angles. Re-texture some of your objects such as the floor and side walls. Create a better lighting setup whether it be dynamic lighting or a light. Space them effectively and evenly or it just looks half assed. There isn't much to the map other than 5 rectangles and 1 hollowed out. Add some more geometry to the map. Look into adding some sort of style to the map aswell. It's a good idea to come up with some kind of theme or style for the map so you can kind-of work around it and build on the idea. If you feel there are not many textures to work with your idea, try looking into some custom textures and models that can spice up your map.

Frankly i would change the textures on the walls and floor and i would add peak advantages to the map 

thank you for your suggestion :)

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yeah definitely needs more geometry added. everything is soo flat and plain.. not gonna get noticed above all the other thousands of 1v1 without changing it up a small bit. i also agree there needs to be some cover as well.

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maybe you could add some holes in the walls and movable/static objects like crates and random garbage that gives it more of that quality map feel. 
Try this, 

1: Skeleton of map
2: stairs, static/movable objects, holes in walls, 
3: textures
4: open sky?(optional)
5: details lastly

im still a bit new to mapping but thats the guidelines I go by to make it work

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