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Freekilled by CT's

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I was free killed by Atari "Zerg Rush" Breakout and I told staff that Atari free killed me and staff questioned Atari.

When The Lowki asked Atari why he killed me, he stated that I was rebelling and sprayed at CT's with a AK while crouching but I never crouched, never had a gun, and never shot a single CT.



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unfortunately sometimes people get freekilled in JB and it goes unnoticed. we as admin cant punish people solely on the word of someone who was freekilled. we need to see it happen or have some kind of evidence. we can question the person but if they give us even the slightest valid reason we cant do anything about it.


a word of advice: getting freekilled comes with the territory of playing JB. it will happen and it wont always be noticed. most of the time all you can do is let the admins know, and if nothing comes of it then move on. the next round will come and odds are if he isnt a good ct then he will get ct'ed anyways.


if you really want to protect yourself from getting freekilled then you can buy admin, but honestly no one will do anything about this due to lack of proof and the fact that he only "freekilled" 1 person.


keep in mind its a game. don't take things too seriously.

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