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Today my building manager had a talk with me.

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So I get out of my place this morning and I see my resident building manager shoveling the sidewalk, clearly disgruntled (it has snowed quite a bit lately). He’s making verbal “Ugghhs!” I try to avoid him by walking by and not looking at him. However he stops me in my literal tracks by saying, “Hey… I’ve been looking for you…”


I think to myself… well I was out last night at my cousins place with my girlfriend but we didn’t leave until like 8:30 p.m. He had quite a bit of time to find me… I wonder what this is for.


“Okay….?” I say hesitantly.


“I’ve been getting noise complaints... coming from your apartment…”


I am confused and immediately thinking he has the wrong place. “But it’s just been me in there for the past week.”


“Hmm… well are you a gamer?” he says to me with some condescending tone.


I say, “Yes…?”


“Do you yell when you game?”


“I guess I can.”


“Yeah. You do.”


“Okay, I'll keep it down. Sorry.”


“Right on.”



Hahaha fucking jailbreak. I thought I might have heard someone stomping on the floor on Monday night when I was having a blast in the server but I wasn't sure because my headphones were maxed out and I was giving orders at the time.




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"I guess I do."

That was so passive of you. Was he 7 feet tall?


He is definitely a burly dude and doesn't seem to have a good sense of humour lol.


I know for a fact he doesn't like people but I'm on his good side because he will complain to me about them sometimes.


I don't need to be on his bad side because I don't want to be kicked out haha.

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"WHEN CELL DOORS OPEN ALL TERRORISTS!!!...." Maybe people think you are doing some ISIS training from your apartment.

FBI is gonna show up at his place next

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JB has brought out my inner rage. Unfortunately, my apt borders one occupied by a family of 5. I'm sure their quiet family time is being invaded by the sound of my muffled swears and cussing on a daily basis.

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I know for a fact he doesn't like people but I'm on his good side because he will complain to me about them sometimes.


>Building manager

>doesn't like people

>checks out

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