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Restricting a FD

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So I get a lot of mixed answers regarding if a Warden get restrict certain actions or parts of the map to a FD person (i.e. pressing jump rope buttons). Is the warden allowed to do that? Also, I was told by certain admins and regulars that you can only revoke a FD once the next game is for LR, but I hear wardens saying they will revoke a FD if the person on FD presses buttons to a game the other T's were playing. Can I get some Staff/SO confirmation on how to deal with this? (Can a Warden restrict pressing buttons for FD people? Can a Warden revoke a FD if they press buttons when told not to? When can a Warden revoke a FD?)


Sorry for posting in here every other week, I want to make sure I understand these rules to the best of my ability.

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a warden cannot restrict a persons freeday for pressing buttons. It should only be revoked when the next game is for lr

So does that mean a Warden can not stop a FD person from pressing buttons as well?

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On a side note. Just sit on the buttons. FD guy can't touch them then.

If you know there's a FD guy you "should" try to be vigilant.

This isn't directed at you yunki, but for your information to help give wardens other options.

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Most of the time if there's someone on a fd, try to avoid playing any games that can kill the entire team in an instant (jumprope, colors) etc. But if the fd guy does kill everyone and gets lr, just give him basic.

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