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Image of God

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There is no proof of God. There is no disproof of God. Some people choose to have faith, some don't. We will not find the secret to life or the universe on a CSS clan, trust me on ths one. This debate is practically useless and will turn us all against eachother. Without proof or disproof, nobody will truly know whether God exists or not, and you have no right to trash other peoples beliefs whatever they may be, and if you think you have some right to, you are sadly mistaken.

Also, just for the record, from my standpoint, Lutheran, it is EXTREMELY offensive when you come right out and say "There is no God", posting anything like the picture Mayo posted, or anything of the sort. If I choose to believe in something and nearly base my life around it, I don't know who the fuck you think you are to completely trash it just because you have a different belief than I do, I will respect opinions and I expect the same damned courtesy.

Very true. Religion can't be proven or disproven. Evolution can't be proven or disproven. Faith is how you decide what is right for you. But Oreo, if you are Lutheran Christian, doesn't that mean that you would forgive and pray for someone who is ridiculing your religion? Like with Mayo, he was dumb for posting it, but wouldn't you pray for him to be saved?

All I have to say is,


LOL! I just had to say that. Oh well, who cares anyways, everyone should respect everyone else's faith because it is theirs and you can have yours if you so choose. That is why this country is so great.

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