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Anyone here listen to podcasts?

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In my 18-25 years, I found them so useful for growing and expanding any thoughts I might have or the people on the podcast might have. They also helped me get out of a hole I was in, allowed me appreciate life and to be curious about it. I feel like most people don't take advantage of podcasts and the power that they can have on a listener. So I figure, I'll introduce you to some of my favourites.


Some of you might listen to podcasts... if you do listen to them, which ones do you like? I'm always interested in finding more. They are great for a work day, a long drive or if you're just cleaning around your place.



Some of the most important ones to me were the Joe Rogan Experience podcast which introduced me to the odd yet wonderful Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast, as well as Chris Ryan's Tangientially Speaking podcast.



My two favourite podcast episodes of all-time both deal with death and I've probably listened to both of these at least a few times.


You might need to know Duncan before listening to this one but I've showed my friends this one on a long car ride and without them knowing him they've seemed to like it a lot. Duncan decided to have his mom on the podcast and have a conversation with her. Something about him allowing us into this moment he had with his clearly amazing mom was refreshing -- I hadn't heard anything like it before.





My other favourite was a short special episode from Chris Ryan where someone left him a letter on his car. He decided to read it on the podcast.





Both are heavy listens but for some reason I'd rather listen to something that challenges me than an easy listening comedy podcast, but those are good too.


WTF with Marc Maron is great as well. It can offer a good balance between comedy and tragedy. He reached a milestone by having POTUS on the podcast. However my favourite WTF episodes would either be the Louis CK one or the 500th episode.


Check em out. You might find something you like. My podcast world is usually evolved around stand-up comics, sitting down and having a conversation with somebody.

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NPR's This American Life is great as well. Those one's definitely have a better production value compared to the one's I've listed which are basically just two people having a conversation.


If you like xlr8r (which is wicked because I don't know many that do listen to it) you'd probably like Fact Magazine's Mixes or Resident Advisor's Podcasts. That and the Boiler Room streams usually have something good goin' on.

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I've listened to a lot over time. I'll list some of the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm missing plenty, I may update this later.


The RoosterTeeth Podcast


Co-Optional Podcast


Cox 'n' Crendor


Blue Plz


The Instance


The Angry Chicken

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If Survivor is your thing or many other reality TV contests, (Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race) - Rob Has A Podcast is pretty cool. Created and hosted by former Survivor player Rob Cesternino.



The same guy also does podcasts about popular TV shows which include Fear the Walking Dead, The Walking Dead, House of Cards, Better Call Saul, Game of Thrones, True Detective, Seinfeld re-runs, etc.



Overall he is a really good podcast host and I have been listening to him for about 5 years. He also has various podcast awards which is pretty cool.

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Serial and Undisclosed are good narrative podcasts if you're looking for a story type podcast


Both available on the apple store


Serial was great! Cured my boredom on my flight to Germany. I'll have to check out Undisclosed.



If Survivor is your thing or many other reality TV contests, (Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race) - Rob Has A Podcast is pretty cool. Created and hosted my former Survivor player Rob Cesternino.



Were you happy Steve won BB?

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Startalk - Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about science things and general stuff.

Hello Internet -two youtubers CGP Grey and Brady Haran talk about kinda random stuff.

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Startalk - Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about science things and general stuff.



The Edward Snowden episode of Startalk was really good. I didn't know Neil deGrasse Tyson had a podcast until yesterday when Duncan played a clip of it on his podcast.

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I've listened to a lot over time. I'll list some of the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm missing plenty, I may update this later.


The RoosterTeeth Podcast


Co-Optional Podcast


Cox 'n' Crendor


Blue Plz


The Instance


The Angry Chicken

Eyyyyy roosterteeth all the way!

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Startalk - Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about science things and general stuff.


Ah I forgot about that one! Fantastic show for those interested in science.

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This podcast was a fantastic listen




Dan Harmon (creator of Community) joins Pete Holmes on his podcast You Made It Weird.



I haven't felt like I've taken anything away from a podcast in a long while. Listening to this was a great reminder why I initially fell in love with podcasts. Definitely something to write home about. Dan Harmon articulates his thoughts eloquently.

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I listen to podcasts every weekday on my drive into work in the morning:

  • Wait Wait Don't Tell Me - Funny and summarizes the news of the week
  • Planet Money - Pop economics.
  • Giant Bombcast - Video game podcast with funny personalities. Maybe I listen to this because I don't actually play very many video games but I want to be able to talk about them as if I do. Maybe it's just a funny show.
  • Giant Beastcast (occasionally, if the other three don't get me through the week) - More video games.

On my drive home I usually listen to audiobooks.

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Hardcore History with Dan Carlin is by far my favorite. I'm now listening to Serial: Volume 2. Undisclosed is also a good follow-up to Serial.

TED also has some good ones.

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i watch getting doug with high every monday 


The live one with Pete Holmes, Rory Scovel and Harris Wittels was the best one I think.


Sometimes I think Doug tries too hard with the marijuana topics. I think he should just let the conversation flow and let his guests be rather than trying to put on a show.

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