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RootyCat's App [DENIED]

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Yes. I don't think he'll get in this month, but I think he deserves a shot in a few months.




Yes [Community] + 1: MONKEH, Noah chet  (+3)

Yes [sO/VET/LEG] + 2: Marine Putin, iCop (+4)
Yes [staff] + 3: Ctark, thorgot (+6)
Abstain: Ollie, infested, TCU, ROFL, c12k, Lnternet
No [Community] - 1: epic , Valamarl, JWB10, Joscal, Lux, $20,huf, Ironic (-8)

No [sO/VET/LEG] - 2:Poseidon, crobat, Kim, Cody, ventus, Beerman, KiLLeR, Attg, Bite, Black, Coldfuse, Sandy (-24)

No [staff] - 3:

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-19/50 Edit: Fixed count 


Yes [Community] + 1: MONKEH, Noah chet  (+3)

Yes [sO/VET/LEG] + 2: Marine Putin, iCop (+4)
Yes [staff] + 3: Ctark, thorgot (+6)
Abstain: Ollie, infested, TCU, ROFL, c12k, Lnternet, Dette
No [Community] - 1: epic , Valamarl, JWB10, Joscal, Lux, $20,huf, Ironic (-8)

No [sO/VET/LEG] - 2:Poseidon, crobat, Kim, Cody, ventus, Beerman, KiLLeR, Attg, Bite, Black, Coldfuse, Sandy (-24)

No [staff] - 3:

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Yes [Community] + 1: MONKEH, Noah chet  (+3)

Yes [sO/VET/LEG] + 2: Marine Putin, iCop,lnternet (+4)
Yes [staff] + 3: Ctark, thorgot (+6)
Abstain: Ollie, infested, TCU, ROFL, c12k, Dette
No [Community] - 1: epic , Valamarl, JWB10, Joscal, Lux, $20,huf, Ironic (-8)

No [sO/VET/LEG] - 2:Poseidon, crobat, Kim, Cody, ventus, Beerman, KiLLeR, Attg, Bite, Black, Coldfuse, Sandy (-24)

No [staff] - 3:

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what a champ



Yes [Community] + 1: MONKEH, Noah chet, bananapls  (+4)

Yes [sO/VET/LEG] + 2: Marine Putin, iCop,lnternet (+4)
Yes [staff] + 3: Ctark, thorgot (+6)
Abstain: Ollie, infested, TCU, ROFL, c12k, Dette
No [Community] - 1: epic , Valamarl, JWB10, Joscal, Lux, $20,huf, Ironic (-8)

No [sO/VET/LEG] - 2:Poseidon, crobat, Kim, Cody, ventus, Beerman, KiLLeR, Attg, Bite, Black, Coldfuse, Sandy (-24)

No [staff] - 3:

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