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Problem with SWAT van grenade skin.

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Is there a way to use the swat van grenade skin without it affecting where and how you have to throw your grenade?


I can no longer throw a nade through a door and i have to throw my grenades alot higher than normal to avoid hitting anything on the floor.



If im in a doorway and i throw my nade the skin just glitches into the wall and i nade myself.



Is there a way to modify it that the swatvan has a hitbox phyiscal size of a hand grenade but still has its large swat van skin?



So it'll just look like the skin goes through the wall. I feel like its hard to explain what im trying to say so hopefully someone will understand what i'm talking about.



Just as an example, if im staring at a wall and i throw a regular sized HG and try to get it over the wall, i have alot of room for error because all i have to do is get the tiny grenade over the wall.


But if im using the SWAT van , i have to get the whole van over. So its really annoying when the bottom of the van clips the wall when a regular sized grenade would've made it over by a long shot.

Edited by Triv

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I sometimes throw a nade just barely over the t's heads just to scare them, but sometimes I forget I have the swat van nade and it just stops on top of them and explodes.

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I sometimes throw a nade just barely over the t's heads just to scare them, but sometimes I forget I have the swat van nade and it just stops on top of them and explodes.

that isnt even the main concern, you're just stupid..

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I cant even throw my grenade in a window. With the SWAT van skin, your HE grenade is useless because it doesnt go anywhere its supposed to go.



This skin should be worth 600 credits, not 20,000.

Edited by Triv

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