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Dr. NarwhalsNumbNuts IV

Baltimore Riots

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I'm sure we've all heard by now about the police brutality, in which Freddie Grey, an African American man, ended up dead while in police custody. Autopsy shows that he died from a crushed trachea and a spinal cord injury. The resulting uproar caused the people of Balitmore to riot and loot, demanding justice. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the whole ordeal, I personally have mixed feelings. Why loot? But the rioting clearly worked if it resulted in six officers involved in Grey's death to be arrested and charged. Opinions?



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The people trying to make this onto a race issue should look at the arrest pictures of the cops. Half were African american. And grays injuries were the result of him resisting and fleeing arrest. Protestors in my city are so worked up they don't even know the facts. They yelled at me that it's obvious the cops did it because he died in the van. He died a week later after his arrest but they don't like to actually learn facts first

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The people trying to make this onto a race issue should look at the arrest pictures of the cops. Half were African american. And grays injuries were the result of him resisting and fleeing arrest. Protestors in my city are so worked up they don't even know the facts. They yelled at me that it's obvious the cops did it because he died in the van. He died a week later after his arrest but they don't like to actually learn facts first

Gray had spinal surgery a few days before the whole incident, so you could argue that he shouldn't have even been outside walking around since his body needed to heal.  He fled from the police, and preliminary forensic evidence suggests that he injured or at least attempted to injure himself while he was in the prisoner transport.  An injury on his head matched a bolt on the inside of the compartment where he was being kept in the van.  Another prisoner inside the same vehicle (but separated visually and physically by a partition) claims to have heard Gray flailing around in his compartment (this might explain the matching bolt/head injuries.)  It bothers me that people are resorting to rioting and looting over a chain of events that hasn't been completely investigated yet.

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So then what is about all the talk that this police department liked to "punish" people they arrested by giving them "rough rides" to the station

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Without supporting evidence, it's just that...talk.


I guess we will have to wait for the court case but from what people have been saying the extreme charges brought on the driver most likely means they have some pretty damning evidence if they think they can convict him of that. Also, the fact that he was the only one not to give statements to internal affairs(and mostly likely at the advise of a union lawyer) is more reason they might have a good case(for that officer at least)


However, you are right about people just rioting and looting when they have no clue what actually happened. I bet if someone went out into the crowd and asked why they are protesting that most won't even know! The people that "know" would probably only know as much as police killed a black man! If you questioned them further then I doubt few would even know Gray's name let alone the cause of death. 

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Without supporting evidence, it's just that...talk.

Don't they know that they need a screenshot or a demo before anything can be done for punishment?

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Don't they know that they need a screenshot or a demo before anything can be done for punishment?

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There is already a thread for this num nut.

Sorry babe, I tried to look for one, but I'm blind lol

IDK, I'm a part of a Black Lives Matter activist group here in Toledo. It's hardcore and sometimes, I feel like the minority when I say, wait, what does this even accomplish? By all mean, let's protest and demand change. But the rioting seems to have been the perfect cover for scumbags to seize the chance to wreck havoc. 

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I agree that the rioting does nothing. It just sets the entire movement back 10 years. There should never be rioting. I hate to say it but I saw a video where the guy compared the rioters to the apes from the newer planet of the apes movie, and it's a pretty close comparison. It's really disgusting to see people taking advantage of such a situation to create havoc and chaos, and it's costing the entire movement years of work. 

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