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suspicious player [RESOLVED]

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there is a player on the server that goes by DarylDixon that most of the server is of the  impression is hacking.  I myself was unsure till i witnessed him jumping around walls in mid air and getting into bases that other wise have walls all the way around them without building way to get over said wall.  He also never seems to miss, when i mean never i mean like running jumping head shots.  Conviently has laggy movement when being shot at, and always "knows" where you are even when you.  


Now I don't know his steam ID becuase it doesnt seem to be same as his screen name and I have been ingame with him to have him show up in my recent player list.  Other players that are regulars to the server say he hacks and have seen him do this.  Scubie Cartman Forsaken to name a few.  Even yoon (you the guy with the crazy base at the underground bunker) says that admins for this server are aware that he hacks and have done nothing.  


Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to be pushy or demanding but it isnt fun to take 4 days building a neat base to have a guy show up and 1 man raid your base killing 4 people inside and by passing defenses that other wise would have to be knocked down by climbing over and around them.  He has started targeting bases and absolutely making it not very much fun for people like me who like to build and design just to have it all be useless.  


Now the only reason I am not coming out and out right saying he is hacking is because I am not very up to speed on what can and cannot be done on this game as far as hacks, IE map or climbing or aim assist ect, but alot of the things he does on a constant basis are very characteristic of what hackers do in other games.  People have even seen him on the roof of the tall building in stratford that there is no access too yet some how he gets up there.  He now has a group of 6 and his griefing the hell out of base builders and starting to share what ever he is using.  His group unloaded full clips out of guns in a matter of seconds, where it sounded like gun fire in fast fowards into my vault doors and destroying them.  Not normal fire rates.  I had 4 vault doors they were through them in 4 minutes,  i was forced to combat log with base loot.  I am sorry but that just isnt fun to me.  


I really dont want to be forced to leave the server, this was my first one i chose at random and have loved it since. Of course i havent started having daryl problems till recently when he decided I was someone he needed to hunt down every time he is on and his crew does too.  If it turns out that you have looked into him and he is clear then I would hate to have someone kicked that is honestly just a god at the game able to rule the entire server and just let him have his fun but at the same time the way he plays and his attitude has already made 9 of my usual friends leave and go to other servers and sometimes quit the game entirely and the 4 people in my base group are now beginning to think of same thing even though we really like the server.  


Edit: as an update to my post, i just found him profile do to him joining the server and killing me ...course me who else lol. [levelup] gball is profile

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Hey, I'm new here, but yea as lina said, I can personally attest to some of Daryl's suspicious behavior. The one thing that really got me was when he jumped around a wall first try, that honestly was a ridiculous strafe to even try, and he also seems to not miss at all. As for not missing, I'm not saying that's hacking, it may be good aim, but the jumping was very suspect behavior, it may be worth looking into him.


Thank you for your time,


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