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Changed Jump Velocity?

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I have recently noticed over the last month that simple jump crouch jumps from one block to another have been almost impossible to achieve, whether it be the extreme climb in Clouds or simple vent boxes in clouds and climb. I was wondering what was recently changed because SOMETHING had to have been changed. And if we are going to change them back soon. It has made some jumps unachievable for me any most of the players on the server and results in massive kills.

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Are you talking distance or up to eye level height blocks?

Talking about eye level blocks just a little higher than the previous.


Could it be the fact that we're 64 tick now and not 102?

And would that mean I would have to do something to change my 64 tick? Or just deal with it?

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Pretty sure the only thing that's changed is the tick rate and location of the server. 64 tick shouldn't affect crouch jumps, but it is messing with bhops. Bhop games, and movement in general is a lot harder now.

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Pretty sure the only thing that's changed is the tick rate and location of the server. 64 tick shouldn't affect crouch jumps, but it is messing with bhops. Bhop games, and movement in general is a lot harder now.

It affects how long you stay up in the air. It's especially easy to notice when surfing but would affect crouch jumping too.

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A 64 tick jump with a crouch at the end (like you would do a long jump) is 49-50 ticks. A 128 one is 98-100. Which is the same time with little error. It doesn't affect airtime but it does affect how well you can gain speed while airstrafing/surfing.


Frogs was claiming that extreme climb on clouds was impossible because he couldn't do the crouch jump anymore, although multiple people completed it.

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I've had a lot of experience with this kind of thing because I would server-hop frequently. Just gotta get used to it and get the timing down, it gets easier eventually and you will be crouch jumping just like normal. Usually took me a map or two to get adjusted, you just have to try different things. Try doing all sorts of different stuff and find the sweet spot.

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I've had a lot of experience with this kind of thing because I would server-hop frequently. Just gotta get used to it and get the timing down, it gets easier eventually and you will be crouch jumping just like normal. Usually took me a map or two to get adjusted, you just have to try different things. Try doing all sorts of different stuff and find the sweet spot.

Well considering the warden gave us 5 minutes to complete Extreme Climb in Clouds and I didn't even make it to the broken bridge... It seems like it is going to take a lot longer to get use to it than you. I am hoping they fix it soon if at all possible.

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Well considering the warden gave us 5 minutes to complete Extreme Climb in Clouds and I didn't even make it to the broken bridge... It seems like it is going to take a lot longer to get use to it than you. I am hoping they fix it soon if at all possible.

There isn't anything to "fix" because it's a server command. If you just actively do climb on the map or say you want a extreme climb freeday you can practice crouch jumps on the server a lot more. I see what you're getting at though, it will take some time but you'll get it.

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I noticed the change too, Its nearly impossible for me to get on top of the bookcase thing in Minecraft Dojo cells anymore, or get into the invisible speaker spot in disco because of the second speaker from the ground.


Pls change back to 102 tick.

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From what I experienced fixing local game files repairs the problem briefly, but it comes back after 1 or two play sessions

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There is a similar change on ze where your speed is not conserved when you land so bhopping is harder. Not sure if something got changed on the servers since that doesn't seem to do with tickrate/

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